An argument which is yours, not mine.
That response is a perfect example of what I meant by being so polarized
that rational debate is impossible.
You are wilfully ignoring the obvious point and instead create an irrelevant
Straw Man: "not guilty by association". No one claims Obama is guilty of
terrorist or racist acts. There's no evidence of such conduct from Obama.
You're just avoiding the issue.
Only a fool associates with people who clearly
are criminals, terrorists,
and racists. Obama obviously found their odious philosophies palatable
enough to endure them for decades. These aren't people he met at a party,
or "friend of a friend" types. Obama not only tolerated their company, it's
their money and political connections that got him elected. These are long-time
confederates, most of whom played essential roles in Obama's political career.
McCain is friends with G. Gordon Liddy? What a poor moral equivalence next to
Obama's buddy-list of radicals...
William Ayers / Bernardine Dohrn - Proof that even
marxist terrorists can
have a successful marriage. Connected to Obama since around 1988 and
largely responsible for Obama's career. Obama owes Ayers
from his first job to his first election. Ayers probably has enough dirt on
Obama to completely control him. Tom Ayers, father of William and CEO
of Commonwealth Edison, was strongly connected to the Chicago political
machine. If you were wondering how a marxist unibomber became so politically
connected, the answer is nepotism. No doubt little Billy was well-tutored in
the fine art of extortion. That's the
Chi-CAH-go way.
Tony Rezko - Obama associate since 1990. Strong ties to Nation of Islam.
Advised and raised funds for Obama during first state senate bid in 1995.
Now a convicted felon serving time for kickback schemes.
Nadhmi Auchi - Iraqi billionaire financer of Rezko. Ties to political
corruption in Chicago (financed Obama's Chicago mansion kickback
via Rezko), France, and Iraq (tied to Saddam and the infamous
Oil For Food Scandal). US State Dept presently denies him a visa.
Khalid Al-Mansour (aka Texas-born Donald Warden) - Advisor to
Saudi royal family, which is source of his money. Friend of Bill Ayers who then
hooked him up with Obama to allegedly fund Obama's Harvard education.
Islamist and anti-semite author of several books about overthrowing western
Rashid Khalidi - Former PLO terrorist. Obama family friend since
mid-1990s, met at Columbia. Founded Arab American Action Network (AAAN),
an anti-Israel activist group. This is the only Obama buddy which parallels the
McCain/Liddy friendship.
Jerimiah Wright - Retired pastor, full-time racist. Obama's pastor for
20 years, baptized Obama's kids. Ideal bowling teammates: Fred Phelps
and Jessie Jackson.
It's delusional to believe that Obama was an innocent lamb who moved to
Chicago, got elected via William Ayers and a few other nasty folk's connections,
then accidentally attended a racist hate-cult for 20 years. Obama knowingly
courted William Ayers to exploit his local connections. He also knowingly
attended that vile church to establish himself as part of the "community".
Outside New Jersey and New Orleans, Chicago is the most corrupt political
machine in America. No politician could swim laps in that cesspool for 20 years
without being severely tainted. Absolutely no good can come from Obama's
political roots there, which is why the topic is taboo in the mainstream media.
The list above is probably the tip of a very big, stinky iceberg.
During the 1992 campaign, the mainstream press refused to investigate Clinton's
past regarding Whitewater, TrooperGate, and Juanita Broaddrick's rape
accusations. Ignoring glaring evidence of Slick Willy's lack of ethics eventually
resulted in a major Constitutional crisis.
Learning more about Obama's Chicago ties before the election is essential,
but the media is too emotionally invested in Obama to even think about
serious investigations. History is repeating itself.