McCain and Obama

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Palin has been found guilty of an abuse of power in the Alaskan investigation into "troopergate". No doubt it will be dismissed as politically motivated.

Along with with introducing the race card, breathtaking ignorance and abuse of power what more could one wish for in a leader of a nation.

I guess it is time to turn the attention away from Palin to the economy.

Unfortunately I do not have the comfort of knowing it is all part of God's plan.

So much for the subject of lunch.

Quite true, Palin did a fine job evading questions and using the word maverick, but she came across as the light weight she is. She helped herself more than she helped McCain. Biden OTOH was good, he didn't come across as a mean old bastard misogynist women hater, but as a compassionate human being who has the same struggles as many of us.
This election cycle has become kind of boring. On one hand we have the thoughtful, contemplative guy who remains cool under fire. On the other, we have the hot-tempered, weaving-down-the-political-road like a drunk driver, old white guy with questionable judgment (Palin).

Almost every poll has all but called this one for Obama. And rightfully so. After the last two debacles, Americans have finally learned that electing a blithering idiot or someone who wipes his a$$ with the constitution is generally a bad idea. American voters realize the McCain means more horsesh!t programs like the Patriot Act, Guantanamo Bay, and suspending Habeas Corpus... not even touching the Iraq fiasco, privatizing Social Security, or deregulation.

Consequently, this Nov 4th is not likely to be a nail-biter. The writing on the wall says Obama will probably blow out McCain to the tune of 70 or more electoral votes. The lack of activity on this thread seems to say the same thing.

Thanks for the lively discussion fellas !! I will miss it.

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Great, I can't wait to have a President that hangs out with a terriorist and goes to a racist church for 20 years. Just can't wait until we are attacked again and sit on our hands with an unproven leader. Can't wait to have taxes raised as we are on the brink of recession (probably causing a depression). Can't wait until the Obama backed Accorns and FM and FM give more money to people who don't know how to use it. If November goes exactly as the TV wants to tell us, then we deserve to have only one side represented in all branches. You can give me all the polls, speculation, and exit polls you want, but I think this is going to be much closer then we are led to believe. That is unless we have hundreds of thousands of dead people, illegals, fellons, and duplicate voters, all of which will be for Obama, “get out the vote”. Even Iraq has a more fair process then America. I am glad we are all "ok" with mediocrity.
Great, I can't wait to have a President that hangs out with a terriorist and goes to a racist church for 20 years. Just can't wait until we are attacked again and sit on our hands with an unproven leader. Can't wait to have taxes raised as we are on the brink of recession (probably causing a depression). Can't wait until the Obama backed Accorns and FM and FM give more money to people who don't know how to use it. If November goes exactly as the TV wants to tell us, then we deserve to have only one side represented in all branches. You can give me all the polls, speculation, and exit polls you want, but I think this is going to be much closer then we are led to believe. That is unless we have hundreds of thousands of dead people, illegals, fellons, and duplicate voters, all of which will be for Obama, “get out the vote”. Even Iraq has a more fair process then America. I am glad we are all "ok" with mediocrity.

Oh boy did you take a big ole slurp of the kool-aid.....
One word.... No, three....





I am personally worried that Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing:eek:
although I am not thrilled to have palin in the white house I think she is a mouthy hole! I think we know a lot more about McCain and at least we will win the war in Iraq with dignity every time I here Obama say it was a mistake I feel really bad for our soldiers over there I wish he would just shut the hell up about that.I am from Illinois and we have the biggest political crooks in charge of this state I do not think we need one of our politicians in the white house.I think Obama has been on his best behavior just waiting for his chance to trample all over this country.
I challenge you to find an essay by a military scholar or historian that tells a nation exactly how the f**k TO WIN AN ILLEGAL OCCUPATION....

At one point in history, we called such activity "colonization" and was something to be held in awe. But those days are decades, if not centuries, behind us. It has never worked and never will. Our boys will come home in shame of having been subject to the Bush administration, no matter who the next president is....

As someone who has given almost everything for King and Country, I can tell you that it is simply not worth it.... When I left my attack submarine for the last time, I flipped the flag the bird and spat on the hull. Redeeming factor: they pay for for your university education. But I am once again a long as someone else does the sacrificing. Remember -- I been there, done that... My patriotism is NEVER in question, just classified. But I'll disclose the Soviet-style misinformation, public deceptions, and abuse of personnel someday...

I'll tell you all the reasons why soon enough.... Hint: It involves 310 of 365 days at sea for no other reason other than roasting perfectly good nuclear fuel, spying on the Koreans, spying on drug dealers in Peru, and justifying the existence of the fleet. And I spent one of three of those in-port days at home with my wife and kids..... For five years.

I've heard the "three blind mice" more times than I can count. I even used to sleep through it, figuring that is the Russians got a bead on me -- then I'm dead anyway... Don't tell this cold-war warrior about sacrifice. That sh*t cost me a lot...

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maybe it is not a war that can be won. I do think we need to find smarter and safer ways to fight terrorist.I still think Obama should show more respect!
I am from Illinois and we have the biggest political crooks in charge of this state.
For those not familar with Illinois politics, Fishman is 100% correct.

In my lifetime we've had 2 Governors go to jail, one is still in there currently.
Our current Governer was indicted for corruption last week. Just a matter of time before he gets sent down the river.

The President of the Cook County board,(County which Chicago resides in), was given the office by his father, who was the current President, while he was in a coma.:wtf:
And now Cook County has the highest tax rate in the Nation.

Numerous high ranking officals in Chicago government have gone to jail over the last few years. The Mayor next????

My towns mayor was caught charging over $1,500 on the city's credit card at a STRIP CLUB.

I have no faith in any of our so called leaders. They're almost all crooks every last one of them.
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Update 10/14/08 6:08 PM MDT.

New York Times / CBS poll.

Who R U going to vote 4?

BO / 53%. JM / 39%.

NYT reports that JM and SP attacks on BO have not worked and have, in fact, backfired.

6 out of 10 voters are reacting negatively to the attack ads.

Poll also indicated that JM and company have not addressed pertinent issues and find BO to be "more presidential" because he has stuck to addressing the issues and not attacking the opponent's integrity.

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look this is real simple people are not stupid! if I talk smack to my customer about my competition even if they agree with me it backfires in my face simple biz stuff and they should know this.


if you stand on your own and speak truth you will be heard and loved by many.
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Our Election?

What we seem to be missing is that we have a hideously poor choice of candidates. On the left we have an inexperienced candidate who speaks with retoric that is frighteningly reminiscent of the 1960. On the right we have a traditional right of center republican with no respect for the middle classs and clings to the notion that the free market, if left unchecked, will make things all right.

What made this country great was the ability of our leaders to take the best minds to come up with solutions to our problems. It has been a while since we have had such a leader. BTW - I am equally disappointed with both Bush Jr. as well as Bill Clinton. Both of them let their ego and arrogance keep them from addressing our real problems.

I fear that whichever candidate wins we will have yet another 4 years of reactionary politics rather than the best of minds coming up with solutions.

My dream ticket would consist of Colin Powell and Bill Bradley. There are two minds with a great deal of relevant experience.

What a shame that we have been reduced to this struggle of left wing democrat and right wing republican orthodoxy. We will all pay for this one.
I think we know a lot more about McCain and at least we will win the war in Iraq with dignity every time I here Obama say it was a mistake I feel really bad for our soldiers over there I wish he would just shut the hell up about that.

How would you define a "win" in Iraq?

Do you really believe it was not a mistake to invade Iraq? What reasonable, rational basis did we have for invading them? Why haven't we invaded Iran and North Korea? Surely the same reasons exist to invade those countries as did Iraq? If it was a mistake, then why shouldn't we admit that? You don't think the soldiers that are over there already have a pretty good clue?

The truth is that policy in Iraq will be dictated by military generals and the Iraqi heads of state, regardless of which person is elected president.
You can give me all the polls, speculation, and exit polls you want, but I think this is going to be much closer then we are led to believe.

tsmooth, I choose to respond to this part of your post because it is the only part that is not hyperbole and demagoguery posing as political insight.

I agree that national polls are not very useful in predicting an election. State by state polls that look at the actual potential allocation of electoral college votes are much more reliable. And they show that we have a potential landslide in the making. For instance, check out:

Electoral Vote .Com
How would you define a "win" in Iraq?

Do you really believe it was not a mistake to invade Iraq? What reasonable, rational basis did we have for invading them? Why haven't we invaded Iran and North Korea? Surely the same reasons exist to invade those countries as did Iraq? If it was a mistake, then why shouldn't we admit that? You don't think the soldiers that are over there already have a pretty good clue?

Here's what Biden said during the debate.

I don't have the stomach for genocide when it comes to Darfur. We can now impose a no-fly zone. It's within our capacity. We can lead NATO if we're willing to take a hard stand. We can, I've been in those camps in Chad. I've seen the suffering, thousands and tens of thousands have died and are dying. We should rally the world to act and demonstrate it by our own movement to provide the helicopters to get the 21,000 forces of the African Union in there now to stop this genocide.

Sadam gased his people, his sons raped the children, stole the countries money and shot missles every day at our planes in the no fly zone. Did I forget the oil for good scandel where he bribed french officials.

I guess you and Biden have a stomach for that? Doesn't make sense to me that people think thats ok. The whole world should look at this type of thing not allow it. I don't care what religion people want to practice or if they don't want a democratic goverment but that activity should be stopped.

Also with 5 military bases in my town I have spoken with many troops that have been to the sandbox. They all think it was the right thing to do. They may not agree with how it was handled but they still supported the war.
tsmooth, I choose to respond to this part of your post because it is the only part that is not hyperbole and demagoguery posing as political insight.

I agree that national polls are not very useful in predicting an election. State by state polls that look at the actual potential allocation of electoral college votes are much more reliable. And they show that we have a potential landslide in the making. For instance, check out:

Electoral Vote .Com

win = a sustainable none threatening government that the western world can have trade and healthy relations with.

all war is a mistake nobody has ever sad dam that war was a great idea don't you think! its a dirty job and once you start it you should finish it right.
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