So now comes word that the Republicans want to "hold up" the actual confirmation vote until next week. Why, one might ask? Well, it appears that it is simply because their collective noses are out of joint and they just want to **** some folks off -- i.e., Politics!!! 
What a bunch of a$$hats!!!
BTW, re: Politics: Did you all see Jim DeMint's comment?
"If we're able to stop Obama on this, then it will be his Waterloo -- it will break him."
Yeah -- never mind what is best for the American people, best for our Country. This about as petty as politics can get. Shame on Jim Demint and his ilk.
What a bunch of a$$hats!!!
BTW, re: Politics: Did you all see Jim DeMint's comment?
"If we're able to stop Obama on this, then it will be his Waterloo -- it will break him."
Yeah -- never mind what is best for the American people, best for our Country. This about as petty as politics can get. Shame on Jim Demint and his ilk.