More changes over the last year and retired

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Any word on a shipping date yet Jeff?
With any luck it will be this week. I emailed ML last week because I have no patience. He said as of last on Thursday there were about a week behind and I was 5th in line! I asked about the time it takes to actually make the panels and I was told that the spars come from Canada but everything is in Kansas and I was told it takes approximately two hours to build them. I do not know how long it takes to test them but as a guess I am thinking another hour.
I just replaced the panels on my CLSiiZ's and boy did I miss how good they sound. It was worth the investment. Unfortunately, my Sequel ii panels are starting to show their age as well. I should not complain they are from 2003. I use them for rears and yes I know it is a bit of over kill but I did not want to get rid of them. I will save for new panels for them as well and yes ML does still make the panels. I believe the Sequel, Sequel ii and the SL3 are all the same panel. In reality the SL3 was an upgrade and actually the Sequel 3 but I think SL3 sounds better. ;)
I still have my old CLS iiZ panels if anyone want to experiment on doing a DIY refresh let me know and I am sure we can figure something out.
I do have the shipping boxes and the inserts from ML when I received my new ones.
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I believe the Sequel, Sequel ii and the SL3 are all the same panel. In reality the SL3 was an upgrade and actually the Sequel 3 but I think SL3 sounds better.
Yes, those models all share the same panel. The reason an SL3 sounded better was the improved crossover.
The best way to improve any of those models is to go fully active crossover, which moves them into another league.

BTW- My Sequel IIb's, also my rear speakers, are now 31 years old, and still on the original panels. But I'm debating whether to replace, or move up to a Theos/Summit panel.
I have upgraded my ML Center channel speaker and will let my Theater i go for a good price if anyone is interested. I am the original owner. I bought it new and it was a floor demo. I am guessing about 15 years old.
I have been retired now for a year and have moved to Indiana from California. I have made a few changes one significant and one nice improvement. Most everything is the same and now with limited budget I can mostly dream....;)

I think since my last "update post" awhile ago I have added a Mutec Ref-10 to the digital side along with the Mutec MC3+USB. This was a very nice improvement. These are "basically" re-clocking the digital side. Yes, there is an improvement in clarity/pacing and of course if it is a bad recording there is really not much which can be done other than reduce noise. :rolleyes:.
I have also upgraded my Roon setup from dual NUC computers to the Roon Nucleus. This box is basically built and designed by the folks at Roon to just run their software. It is a basically modified Linux software in a box. It has an internal 1 TB drive which I have not really used yet since I have a 21 TB of storage on my NAS for music and other vices.

I replaced the Anthem AVM-60 with a McIntosh MX100. I was going to upgrade the Anthem but they are still dragging their feet on Roon capability and for me that was the deal breaker. I was hoping for some improvement and I got it with the MX100! It is "somewhat" Roon capable and will handle mutli-channel streaming. BTW, this model is all XLR which is a nice benefit.

I have also changed my speaker cables and I know I may or may not get some flack of this. I was using Tara Labs cables which were just fine. I took a chance on a pair Duelund cables. They are based on I believe an old RCA design of the 1950's. They are basically tinned copper cotton in oil cables which give a great warmth and to me get closer to the original sound without being muddy. To me when I changed, it seemed to remove a vail over the sound presentation. Just my biased opinion. I believe I also found some hand made XLR's made from Duelund wire as well which seem to work well too.

As always enjoy your individual journey. Here is my latest pic and as always constantly tweaking a bit.


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Well I knew I could not sit still............................
In the last few months I have added an EtheRegen. This was a nice change. I also upgraded the CAT 6 cables to CAT 8 which made a little bit of difference. Please no flame wars. I was a network weenie for over 40 years!
I added an UltraRendu as an endpoint for the Roon Nucleus and that did make a big difference.
I also added a Teddy Pardo linear power supply for the UltraRedu. Woof! Looking to possible upgrade the linear power supplies for my Nagra equipment to using the Teddy Pardo as well but I think I will have to print some money unless they will take Monopoly money instead.:D
Have a great day all and stay safe.