Here is an interesting study for those of you convinced that all media shows a liberal bias.
The Conservative Advantage In Syndicated Op-Ed Columns
The Conservative Advantage In Syndicated Op-Ed Columns
(Are you scared yet?)
Actually, this rift was healed for a very short time. After 9/11, this nation really came together...
And honestly Brian, I see some of that hate in your words. The way you spit out the word leftist like it is an expletive.
Like it or not, a good 1/3 of the nation feels very differently than you do. That's a hundred million people in this country.
Brian, please cite for me a time in our history (hell, in anyone's history) when this wasn't the case.
These are real human beings and as such they will have biases that will find their way into reporting.
Perhaps the problem you have is that anything left of extreme right seems very liberal to you...
The Libertarian Party claims about 200,000 registered voters, out of a population of over 300 million. So yes, those views are certainly in the minority and don't get a lot of press.
Regardless, I don't find the bias of the press nearly as much of a concern as you do. I think we have much bigger problems than that in our country.
So, a more accurate description of this survey is that, of the 1,700 people surveyed, 53% felt that the media has a liberal bias. This is slightly more than half.
Not exactly a resounding endorsement of your point.
I didn't know Obama and Ayers were in charge of these records.
And if millions are missing, why don't the Annenbergs seem to mind?
You never acknowledged my question about why republicans weren't up in arms that these big republican donors would associate with a terrorist like Ayers?
So, just out of curiosity, will you be voting for McCain . . . or for Barr? Or perhaps Baldwin?
Who defines "right" and "left"? Who sets the mid-point?
The fair-minded, resonable moderates? What's a moderate in the
context of encouraging our soldiers to go AWOL?
Rush, Sean Hannity, and Neil Boortz are not centrist by my definition. Or theirs, for that matter. They are forthright
about being conservative. Ann Coulter makes her money by
being as flamboyantly irritating to Leftists as possible, but
she's never claimed to be centrist or unbiased. No doubt
she'd take that as an insult.
Rush directly reveals his formula for success. He rarely does
more than read the most extremely Left-biased, misleading
headlines and then points out the actual facts of the story
which are always buried in the next-to-last paragraph.
If there were no Leftist bias in media, Rush would be out
of a job.
That's the point I'm making regarding civil war. About
80 million Leftists will eventually clash with about 80
million Libertarians.
Unlike practically everyone else in the world, Americans
have weapons and can fight back when the government
oversteps its bounds. Consider this with the fact a large
minority of Americans remain truly dedicated to the
priciples of limited government as laid out by our
Constitution. Perhaps 30% are still "liberty or death"
types. While this group is not vocal and has little say in
politics, their tolerance for encroachment on personal
liberties is near an end.
Please provide a specific, irrefutable reference regarding this statement.
You are sounding more and more like those nutty militant survivalists.
Now all BS aside, we will endure. If Obama, a democratic Congress and Senate take over, so be it...
Gee, I don't know. Maybe we should sue for recounts in
every other county and parish, start "selected not elected"
and "not my president" campaigns, then finally call him
Satan and Hitler and burn little effigies while ranting and
moaning in public like nap-shy three-year olds hovering
near a Walmart candy display.
However, I am disciplined enough to stick to the debate
and refrain from making similar but opposite comments
regarding posts like yours and Len's.
A major clash is inevitable sometime in the next 50 years due to the mutually exclusive nature of freedom and socialism.
If I had to pick a point of origin for the pending crisis, it would be 1913 when the 16th Amendment enabled personal
income tax.
. . .
We've clearly strayed too far
from the basic principles of liberty and a major correction
is brewing.
Perhaps 30% are still "liberty or death"
types. While this group is not vocal and has little say in
politics, their tolerance for encroachment on personal
liberties is near an end.
I don't know what will touch it off, but it will be an event
which everyone can identify with on a personal level like
the recent attacks on Joe the Plumber by the Democrats
and Press.
So Afghanistan was the "good" war while Iraq was the
"bad" war. As if they were not related in any way.
The report, released this week by the Institute for Defense Analyses, says it found no "smoking gun" linking Iraq operationally to Al Qaeda. But it does say Saddam collaborated with known Al Qaeda affiliates and a wider constellation of Islamist terror groups.
Honestly, Leftists are vile people.
Clearly there's never been a time in human history when
every last single person agreed. Who's arguing that?
Mr. Straw Man again?
Perhaps the problem you have is that anything right of Karl Marx seems very conservative to you.
Actually, 53% vs. 23% strengthens my point. Thanks!
Kenneth Rollings, an old buddy of both Obama
and Ayers, is the guy blocking the release.
They never intended to run for President.
Now it's your turn. Explain the extremists and anti-semites
in Obama's past.
Did Brian or someone else say that "leftists are vile people" as you quoted in your most recent post.
Emphasis mineI calls 'em like I see 'em. The mindset behind Ward
Churchill's "Little Eichmans", the "Bush is Hiter" parades,
and rampant anti-semitism coming from the Left has torn
the liberal mask for me and others. Honestly, Leftists are
vile people. No closet aristrocrat is more il-liberal,
regressive, and close-minded that a Leftist. It's a religion
which doesn't think it's a religion.
But I don't necessarily equate "Leftist" with "Democrat",
if that's what you mean. Joe Lieberman and McCain are
examples of Democrats. Pelosi, Reid, Hillary, and Obama
are Leftists. The Democratic Party has been taken over by
the DailyKos, Democrat Underground loony Left.
I agree that it is sad that we can't seem to disagree about political and economic philosophy in this country without belittling, degrading, and dismissing each other's humanity. It is exactly that kind of holier-than-thou guns-and-religion attitude.....
Don't forget to vote !!
What do you say about a would be president that has had some of the associations that Obama has had? Nothing, but the FEAR FEAR FEAR thing? At least recoginize that Brian makes some valid points.
Obama will need to answer the questions about some of these associations at one point or another. If the press was doing there job he would be doing it now.
You really think people telling the truth about Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher...
Brian, are you really going to argue with a straight face the Iraq had anything to do with 9/11?
They manipulated intelligence...
They barely got started in Afghanistan before they took their focus away and put it on Iraq.
You didn't see us invading all of them did you?
Perhaps it was a blood feud...
You have a very narrow view of the world and it is shared by very few people around you.
No, actually, 53% saw a left-wing bias (which was your point) and 47% saw no bias...
According to the document you linked, it is the University blocking the release, not Rollins.
Israel waxed a Syrian nuclear weapons facility a few months
back. We just destroyed a terrorist safe-house inside Syria.
We've been hitting Al Qaeda in Northern Pakistan. A silent
war with Iran has been underway for at least a year. No
doubt we've secretly attacked terrorist training facilities
inside Iran. Speculation right now is that Israel will bomb
Iran's nuclear facilities before January should Obama be
By the strictest definitions, I agree that we've not invaded
them. Yet. But we are applying unwavering pressure for
reform and must continue to do so. No President can allow
another 9-11 to occur, and the origins of Islamic terrorism
are still obvious. Iran and Syria are still playing very stupid
games. Hopefully, the new dynamic created by a free Iraq
and Afghanistan will spread democratic reforms in the
region over the next few decades (especially in Saudi Arabia,
another Eddie Haskel pseudo-ally like Pakistan) so that the
cultural appeal of Islamic terrorism is eliminated peacefully.