<Sigh> OK, Point by Point:
1. The US was attacked because our former president did nothing while our troops and interests all over the world were being attacked. This emboldened these maggots to the point where they figured they would come right into our own country and use our own freedoms against us. Sad indeed that someone didn't do something much earlier to make them responsible for their actions.
So you are one of those who are STILL seeking to demonize President Bill Clinton for
everything that has gone wrong in our country in the last 50 years or so. Well, being as how you are such an authority on all this, how about naming the seven most important
"attacks against our troops and interests all over the world" to which the Clinton administration failed to respond? It is one thing to state charges oh so boldly with a cavalier attitude, and quite another to be specific.
Comparing Bush to Clinton? Clinton was so far advanced compared to Bush that I had to see the humor in Chris Rock's comment: "Tell you what, put the last guy (Clinton) back in [the Presidency], and I'LL give him a BJ!"
Say what you will about what Bush did, we have not been attacked on our own soil since 9/11. Had Bush used a lesser approach nobody really can say what would have taken place. (including me and my opinion) Perhaps we would be in a better place.............perhaps not. When confronted with this unknown I for one feel fine about the course taken.
While clearly a response was appropriate, it would have been nice if he (Bush) could have at least picked out the right country / enemy to go after...
Could things have been done better, differently, more cautiously, more gently? Sure, just like the previous admin. handled things and look where that took us.
Again, your vagueness makes your point rather underwhelming...
For all those folks hell-bent on second guessing every breath of this current president I wonder if they will act the same when the Messiah takes over? Or will all be "sunshine and roses", and our congress finally be screaming to move in a unified bi-partisan direction to stop the threat of terrorism. Come on we all know the minute "the one" takes over everything will be better.
Well, for one thing, we'll once again have a President with at least some measure of intelligence. One who doesn't have the famous Bush smirk. One who doesn't act like he has all the answers. (Although, Bush DOES have the ability to be wrong, confidently.)
And please remember, past Presidents, in moments of crisis, consistently reached out to the other party to at least try to unite the country. That is, until "W" -- who pretty much made a mockery out of bi-partisanship. Why don't you focus just a moment on the egregious excesses and rank partisanship when the Republicans were running things from 1994 to 2006?

How terrible for our country THAT was.
BTW, those of you who use the insulting "The One," "The Chosen One," "The Anointed One," etc., etc. only demonstrate the depth to which your arguments are devoid of merit. All you seem to have to offer are generalities and insults. Such an approach is demeaning and insulting, and has no place in an American political contest. Good Grief!!!
Unlike some I really hope all will be better. This Rep/Dem thing has put us in a position where if one side is in charge the other "seems" to hope for failure and IMHO do things to encourage it. We have all heard the quote that "if Iraq turns around this will be bad for "us" " " Harry R. "We have lost this War" These and many many other words by our "leaders" diminish us all and put our troops in harms way. Does anyone truly believe our enemies don't hang on to every one of these horrible words and use it to there advantage.
I, too, hope, we can somehow get out of the wars, Constitutional Massacre, terrible standing for our Country in the world, and the economic mess (Bush Depression) that this administration has created. And, for the record, I am no fan of the Dem Congressional leaders. But, they have not engaged in any worse political positioning than the Republicans have in the past. And, FWIW, I am a registered Republican.
I know I'm not changing anyones mind, but I can't help but feel many want failure for this country simply for a reason to change parties.
I certainly do not want failure for my country. You know, Bush/Rove/Cheney somehow fostered this crazy notion that only Republicans loved America; that only Republicans were patriots; that only Republicans loved God. And they used it to great political advantage to advance their own ends (and elections). Never mind that they dishonorably divided our country, and pretty well wrecked it in the bargain.
Remember the old Reagan theme: "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" Well, we all ought to be asking ourselves that question as we get ready to vote in this Presidential election. Because, when we consider how well off we were when Bill Clinton left office, compared to where we are now -- well, the choice becomes pretty clear for many of us.
I am sad and sickened by the last eight years of Bush and his minions...