No, it's Obama who thinks he is god and talks down to everone. When this all started I was independent and uncommitted, I even threw some financial support towards Obama during the primaries before I figgured out how shallow the man really is. As time has progressed,he has proven over and over that he will say anything and act any way that will bring him votes. The so call "humility" that Gordon talks of is entirely an act. The real BO is a snob and a know it all. What was on stage Friday night was a fabrication. Familiarity, when unwelcomed is a sign of manipulation, not humility. It would have been much more appropriate for him to adress McCain as Senator than by his first name.
Oh Yeah? But somehow, "Can I call you Joe?" was OK???
Not to mention McCain's arrogance in NEVER looking at or engaging Obama -- kinda like Nixon in his debates with Kennedy, as I recall...
And, for you and anyone else who persists in referring to Obama as "God" or "The Chosen One" or any of those other insulting names, Shame On You!!! If the best you can do is denigrate another, it is evident you have little to offer.
An apology is in order here, I believe...
It is very hard to trust someone who changes his positions, his word and his demenaor as often as he changes underwear.
Oh yeah? Name, oh, say seven examples of all this. We have no idea what the heck you're talking about, otherwise.
I have many friends in positions with other governments throughout the world. When BO when on his "Victory Tour" they were all scratching they heads asking...what is that act all about. Most Government leaders throught the world are routing for Obama because they know he is weak, a camellion and and a placator, this will allow them to "get their way" more readily. Yes, Obama knows how to talk tough when he thinks it's too his advantage, but he doesn't know how to "be tough" when it matters. It's more important for him to be popular. I can't see us coming out ahead in any negotiation directed by a placator.
Now, exactly HOW do you "KNOW" that "...he doesn't know how to "be tough" when it matters? Just sounding off with your OPINION hardly contributes to an enlightened discussion...
But, boy, you sure do seem to despise this guy. BTW, was your earlier support for Obama just part of the "ditto-head" effort to stop Hillary? I felt the need to ask because it sure seems like so much of what you say here is pure Rush...
I beieve that regardless of which one wins we are in for a boatload of trouble because I don't think either will garner the cooperation of Congress. Each has their detractors: McCain because he has been too independent for so long that he has wound up in opposition to just about everone at one time or another, and Obama is too much of a lightweight to earn the respect of the elder statesmen especially the right.
Piece of cake -- just be sure to elect enough Democrats to overcome those obstinate, progress-hating Republicans in Congress...
Unfortunatly, many of you, as many of the general population hate our current President and are inappropriately transferring that hatred to McCain. Unfortunatly, that gives the man two strikes before ge even steps up to the plate...which I believe is unfair...but who says life is fair...right!
Well, again I will say that I was a very strong supporter of McCain when he ran in 2000. Wish he had become President then -- things would have been so much better for ALL of us in this Country. But, Bush and his HASSHAT henchman Rove unleashed lie after lie about McCain (especially in the hotly contested South Carolina primary) that Bush won the nomination (NOT the Presidential Election, Mind You).

Just awful for our Country...
And, it was McCain who -- sadly -- "sold his soul" to support Bush in the '04 election, thereby immediately destroying his credibility. He KNEW than -- as so many did -- that Bush was not only corrupt, and a liar, and a sorry-*ss excuse for a President (or even a sorry excuse for a Man, for that matter), but still sold out to him. How ironic it is that Bush's support in now worth LESS than nothing...
To use a worn out just don't understand
I do understand -- evidently far better than some on this forum!