McCain and Obama

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I give McCain credit for taking a real chance with his VP choice. But I really don't think this is going to help his chances. Sarah Palin is, at first glance, a lightweight -- A Clinton or a Ferrara she ain't...

Of course, the GOP pundits will parachute-in on the media studios and declare this choice some sort of act of genius. But I am certain that right now most are saying : :wtf:

I give McCain credit for taking a real chance with his VP choice. But I really don't think this is going to help his chances. Sarah Palin is, at first glance, a lightweight -- A Clinton or a Ferrara she ain't...~VDR

A lightweight? That is hard to imagine when the Democratic nominee for president hasn't even served a FULL TERM in the US Senate.

I think it was a good pick. I probably would have went with Tim Pawlenty but I think this will work out for him. She is a younger, decent looking woman who has done nothing but shake up politics in her state. She shows the “new” face of the Republican Party. Also agrees with drilling in her own state.

A few tibits of information taken from Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard:

"...triumph came in Alaska where Sarah Palin, a politician of eye-popping integrity, was elected governor. She is now the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating in the 90s, and probably the most popular public official in any state"

"...she continued to take on the Republican establishment by joining Eric Croft, a Democrat, in lodging an ethics complaint against Renkes, who was not only attorney general but also a long-time adviser and campaign manager for Murkowski. The governor reprimanded Renkes and said the case was closed. It wasn't. Renkes resigned a few weeks later, and Palin was again hailed as a hero."

About how she became Gov:

"In a three-way race, Palin captured 51 percent and won in a landslide. She defeated former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election, 49 percent to 41 percent. She was one of the few Republicans anywhere in the country to perform above expectations in 2006, an overwhelmingly Democratic year..."

"In the roughly three years since she quit as the state's chief regulator of the oil industry, Palin has crushed the Republican hierarchy (virtually all male) and nearly every other foe or critic. Political analysts in Alaska refer to the "body count" of Palin's rivals. "The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah," says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called "Voice of the Times," which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct."

Change abody? I will let the pundits report the rest.
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A Clinton or a Ferrara she ain't...~VDR

In my world that is a big plus for her, As far as her being a "lightweight" 2 years as a sucessful Governor running for vice president. vs. a Senator with 144 days in office with mostly no votes running for President. Who is the light weight? dont bother explaining I wouldnt understand.

It will be interesting to see what the usual suspects the mainstream media can dig up on her, With them largely ignoring Bill Ayres ,Rev. Wright, and Tony Resco. for their guy.

When is the last time you heard of a politicition with a 90% approvel rating? Barack and the rest of congress would kill for a approval half of that.

I am sure this is a sad day for Alaska but a great day for America.

Gotta go I will be sending a contribution to the McCain Palin team.
A little humor...


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Happy Birthday John McCain

I went to the daily Kos site that had a nice birthday greeting for Barack a couple weeks ago with a link to send a donation to him, Man o Man what a surprise they were not nice to him at all let alone a link for a donation.

Here is a left leaning site that wishes him a happy birthday with a few other notables for that day and year.

Hey Dave you had me going for the pay pal button til the "babe" showed her tat.
I give McCain credit for taking a real chance with his VP choice. But I really don't think this is going to help his chances. Sarah Palin is, at first glance, a lightweight -- A Clinton or a Ferrara she ain't...

Of course, the GOP pundits will parachute-in on the media studios and declare this choice some sort of act of genius. But I am certain that right now most are saying : :wtf:


I can't wait for the VP debate(s), Biden is gonna have Mrs. Palin for lunch. I'm almost giddy!
In my world that is a big plus for her

No, I don't think it is. The analogy that I made refers to her ability to put up a good fight for her cause. Unlike Hillary and Geraldine, she lacks the toughness and skills to be a good advocate for her cause -- especially on a national stage. She's probably a good conservative and willing to toe the McCain line, but her femininity won't help her get those Clinton voters. To claim otherwise is almost as ridiculous as saying that Georgie-Porgie-Puddin'-Pie has had a presidency that could be described as anything other than a train wreck.

Furthermore... Tough-talking media types and Joe Biden are going to crush her. Risabet has this one totally correct.
You are right both Clinton and Obama had great speechs. I want to thank Senator McCain for the worst possible VP pick. Good job Mr. McCain!
No, I don't think it is. The analogy that I made refers to her ability to put up a good fight for her cause. Unlike Hillary and Geraldine, she lacks the toughness and skills to be a good advocate for her cause -- especially on a national stage. She's probably a good conservative and willing to toe the McCain line, but her femininity won't help her get those Clinton voters. To claim otherwise is almost as ridiculous as saying that Georgie-Porgie-Puddin'-Pie has had a presidency that could be described as anything other than a train wreck.

Furthermore... Tough-talking media types and Joe Biden are going to crush her. Risabet has this one totally correct.

Oh boy now this one really cracks me up, what the devil do YOU or for that matter I, really know about this lady.........NEXT TO NOTHING !!

Lacks toughness and skills compared to Hillary the "Carpet Bagger" ??, first off people in general from Alaska are far 'tougher' than half the 'pusses' from the lower forty eight to begin with.

I'm not ready to make judgement yet, except for one thing, she 's got more experience in governing than Obama !

I like her already....she suports my Second Amendment rights ! as opposed to.......
Oh boy now this one really cracks me up, what the devil do YOU or for that matter I, really know about this lady.........NEXT TO NOTHING !!

Lacks toughness and skills compared to Hillary the "Carpet Bagger" ??, first off people in general from Alaska are far 'tougher' than half the 'pusses' from the lower forty eight to begin with.AMEN TO THAT !

I'm not ready to make judgement yet, except for one thing, she 's got more experience in governing than Obama ! THAT ISNT TO HARD AS HE HAS NONE !

I like her already....she suports my Second Amendment rights ! as opposed to.......ME TOO !

I'm not in any disapproval !
Oh boy now this one really cracks me up, what the devil do YOU or for that matter I, really know about this lady.........NEXT TO NOTHING !!

Lacks toughness and skills compared to Hillary the "Carpet Bagger" ??, first off people in general from Alaska are far 'tougher' than half the 'pusses' from the lower forty eight to begin with.

I'm not ready to make judgement yet, except for one thing, she 's got more experience in governing than Obama !

I like her already....she suports my Second Amendment rights ! as opposed to.......

What a ridiculous comment: first off people in general from Alaska are far 'tougher' than half the 'pusses' from the lower forty eight to begin with.

Just because they live in cold weather and do manual labor they are somehow tougher than a person living a big city?

All I know is this lady is one step away (McCain the 72 year old 4 time cancer survivor) from the Whitehouse. She has no foreign policy experience; she has almost no political experience and has none of the qualifications for the most difficult job in the world.

By the way her education is simply not good enough.
She has no foreign policy experience; she has almost no political experience and has none of the qualifications for the most difficult job in the world.

Again, I'm chuckling at your statement........ you might as well put the same tag on your boy Obama !

Also in so far as Alaskans and your comment on "cold weather and manual labor"...toughness goes well beyond that. Besides if that is your vision / knowledge of Alaska you have no clue. "Van" made the comment about her toughness, I defended her in general terms yes, and time will tell.

As far as education.......... look at the "bird brain" we have in office now..... yeah, so much for Ivy League schooling !!
Still looking at the VP................

.....but as for the headliners. If anyone saw the Saddleback interviews, it was no contest. I have a feeling in the debates it will go the same way. Did anyone here see Saddleback?
Doug - out
Like most of you I know nothing of Palin - I have spent the last couple of hours scanning commentary and even picking up the occasional fact.

McCain/Palin is the best the Republicans can come up with? A man who statistically will die in office backed by an ex sports journo. presiding over a population far less than many cities.

I know that Americans are like the rest of the world and will probably vote with their hip pocket but isn't there some level of philisophical responsibility to present the rest of the world with something better.

Maybe you guys are right. The truth of the matter is that the general public does not know very much about her. So I shall refrain from comment on her until after the Republican convention.

Yeah what the heck, just trying to 'stir the pot' , poke a little fun, whatever !

You know, my Dad used to be Judge of Elections in the town which he resides and one thing always bothered him.....the number of people that ACTUALLY come out to vote. Incredibly small ! and when I here of the 'turnout numbers' for elections it does make me we really care ?

Some have said, "oh well my vote doesn't count, the electroral college is so scewed, why bother". Others merely love to bitch and then sit back when time comes and not even let their vote be heard.

So after the next two months of battle have been fought, remember, get out and vote !
Yeah what the heck, just trying to 'stir the pot' , poke a little fun, whatever !

You know, my Dad used to be Judge of Elections in the town which he resides and one thing always bothered him.....the number of people that ACTUALLY come out to vote. Incredibly small ! and when I here of the 'turnout numbers' for elections it does make me we really care ?

Some have said, "oh well my vote doesn't count, the electroral college is so scewed, why bother". Others merely love to bitch and then sit back when time comes and not even let their vote be heard.

So after the next two months of battle have been fought, remember, get out and vote !

I would hope that all of us who take the time to comment on this particular thread, all will vote. I think it would be a shame to agrue with your fellow members if on voting day you sleep in and then forget to vote.
you can bet your ass I'm gonna vote and if McCain and Palin get elected, I'm moving to England!!! Ok, well maybe I won't go to THAT extreme, but I will be seriously fucking disappointed.

The current administration has made an absolute mess of this country and I think George W is the worst president EVER. I think McCain will be more of the same.

The Republicans are critical of Obama because he lacks experience, but McCain is 72, has had 4 bouts with cancer and he picks Sara Palin as his running mate!?!? I don't get it. She has NO experience at all and if something happens to him, we are all seriously FUCKED.

Here's some more about her:

BA in journalism. good use of that degree in the political arena.
Was mayor of Wasilla Alaska and left the city in a financial mess and a scandal over firing city employees.
Has absolutely NO foreign policy experience, in fact had NEVER been out of the USA and just got her first passport in July of 2007 so she could go visit members of the Alaska National Guard stationed in Kuwait.
In favor of drilling for oil.

In an interview released by Newsmax, Palin acknowledged global warming, but then said that:

“I’m not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.”

WTF?? Get a clue.

I can't wait for the VP debate. I think Biden will eat her for lunch.

I pray for our future.
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