Tonight, I am incredibly proud of my country. I have been disappointed in my country's choice for president in the last two elections, and was wondering if my views had gone into the minority. I seriously questioned the intelligence and insight of my fellow Americans based upon the political decisions of the majority.
Tonight, America stepped out on a limb and elected a thoughtful, intelligent, charismatic young man . . . a man of mixed race who didn't come from old money or an established political family. A man more in the mold of Lincoln than any other candidate I have seen before. Tonight, a message of hope won out over a message of fear and smear. For too long now, fear has been used as a political hammer in this country. Now the people have spoken that they will not be ruled by fear. They will be moved by hope for a better America.
I give due respect to John McCain. He was graceful and unifying in defeat, showing us a glimmer of the man he used to be. I feel bad for him that he listened to the more conservative voices in his own party and lost the respect of an awful lot of Americans who might otherwise have voted for him. I was disappointed, but not surprised, by the reaction of McCain's audience. It was telling of his campaign strategy and the emotions he had appealed to. I hope the republican party can heal itself of the anger and hate and vitriol that it has for those who are different, those with more liberal viewpoints. It is the only way this nation can truly move forward as one nation.
We must replace our hate with hope, displace our fear with determination, and remove our prejudices and instill unity. We are all Americans. We are becoming a more homogeneous mixture. A true melting pot of blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, straight, gay, conservative, liberal, centrist. We must seek common ground and solutions that work for everyone, or as Brian intimated earlier in this thread, we will not survive as a Nation.
Congratulations to all Americans tonight. I hope that Obama can accomplish half of what he hopes, and I hope the fears of so many conservatives will simply fail to materialize and they will realize that he wasn't so evil after all.
Now, having said all that nice stuff about unity and respect, I will go ahead and toot my own horn and remind you all that I predicted we had a possible landslide in the making way back in post #340 of this thread. It would appear that this prediction has come to pass. Although the popular vote is less than 5% difference, Obama has won an electoral college landslide. This is why you ignore national polls and pay attention to state by state polls and the electoral college in a presidential election. These polls were predicting this landslide weeks ago.
Thanks to all for a great thread, a lively discussion and debate, and for keeping it civil. Despite our differences, liberal vs. conservative, leftist vs. right-wing, tube vs. solid state, vinyl vs. digital, heavy metal vs. jazz, we can all come together as human beings who love great equipment playing great music. ROCK ON!!! :rocker: