Super nice evolution of the gaming rig, love the new transducer addition. Great job Mark.
Every time I read this thread I get tempted to go big on a Sim setup, but I struggle to find the time to play with the toys I already have.
Spent several hours today messing with the Smyth Realizer A16 (Atmos over headphones box), and still have more to do.
I fully expect the Smyth tech (or very similar) to show up in future VR systems. It works quite well if you map out your own impulse response and headphone EQ. But right now, that's a very, very complicated process.
I'll also be creating a mapping of my HT to upload to the Realizer exchange someday. That way those of you with Realizers can 'hear' my room.
I barely have time to use my rig lately, so I'm in the same boat. I've been working 60 hour work weeks against 2 customers for the last almost 2 months now. Between that and my small production run of wheel hangars, I have just barely enough time to spend with my wife and very little time to play. The good news is that I'm having record months in terms of income over my last 12 years of being self employed. I'm currently saving up for a new home with a large dedicated shop space
My NX4-6000 is coming back from repair on Tuesday and I'm trying to get my rig ready by then with all my recent ideas. I'm also molding a clutch pedal face out of epoxy to attach to my existing clutch pedal to give it more arc since my toes bend backwards too far since I inverted the pedals. That should be ready by Tuesday as well.
I made a silicone mold of bottom surface of my clutch pedal This is a thick pour epoxy that takes about 3 days to cure, but tomorrow morning I'll be able to take it out of the mold and press it firmly against the clutch plate until it is fully cured and then I'll shape it with a sander. So it will start out as a block with a curved bottom and then I'll shape it to be closer to the VERY ROUGHLY CUT adhesive backed neoprene on edge to the right of the pedal plate.

The next morning.

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