If Ferrari went global I'm sure they could build more reliable cars and probably even create more jobs on a global scale but good or bad it wouldn't be the same.
thats a very, very good point and an analogy that made me think
If Ferrari went global I'm sure they could build more reliable cars and probably even create more jobs on a global scale but good or bad it wouldn't be the same.
I am happy that jobs are being created in Canada
It is this kind of pride in their work and top notch customer service that I feel we're likely to lose. When I bought my first pair, I wasn't concerned or knowledgeable about where and how they were built but I did know they were US made. But later after becoming keenly aware of how they were made and their reputation for stellar customer service had a lot to do with my subsequent purchases of ML speakers later on. I've had the personal factory tour along with others on this forum and can attest that it was run like a family business with the people taking personal pride in their work. I've since owned 6 or 7 different types of ML speakers.
The article on page 87 of the latest TonePub online magazine about the MartinLogan Custom Shop captures the spirit and intent of "Handcrafted in the Heartland". (Check it out, it's free...http://www.martinloganowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10548 )
It is this kind of pride in their work and top notch customer service that I feel we're likely to lose. When I bought my first pair, I wasn't concerned or knowledgeable about where and how they were built but I did know they were US made. But later after becoming keenly aware of how they were made and their reputation for stellar customer service had a lot to do with my subsequent purchases of ML speakers later on. I've had the personal factory tour along with others on this forum and can attest that it was run like a family business with the people taking personal pride in their work. I've since owned 6 or 7 different types of ML speakers.
When I saw the group picture of the assemblers, I couldn't help wondering how many of those very fine and proud craftsmen will be losing their jobs. We have been talking about lost jobs in the abstract, but that picture put it all in perspective. It shook me up.
The issue is not losing the skills, it is having a place to employ the skills, particularly where they live.they may loose that job but they will not loose their skill! you act like these people will be totally worthless after martin logan or something, get real man show them some more respect. efficiency leads to a higher standard of living for everybody.perhaps without this move Logans viability to begin with is in trouble all together you just do not know.
they may loose that job but they will not loose their skill! you act like these people will be totally worthless after martin logan or something, get real man show them some more respect. efficiency leads to a higher standard of living for everybody.perhaps without this move Logans viability to begin with is in trouble all together you just do not know.
You've got it twisted.
they may loose that job but they will not loose their skill!
show them some more respect.
perhaps without this move Logans viability to begin with is in trouble all together you just do not know.
This thread seems to just be repetitively spiraling downward. Has everyone had time to vent their frustration with how powerless we are over Shoreviews actions? Perhaps it is time to close this thread?
Could Gayle Sanders be interviewing 12 skilled and experienced electrostatic speaker craftsmen, buying specialized tools, materials and an empty warehouse?
You never know but a more likely scenario would be one or more of the skilled craftsmen have ideas and dreams of their own on how to make a great speaker. The difference is now they have the motivation, they need a way to make a living at what they know. I can imagine many a company has started this way.
This is pretty much my experience as well (except, sadly, never did the factory tour). I think many of us became ML enthusiasts after our first purchase, and became more and more enamored with both these terrific speakers as well as the company (made in USA, expertly (and lovingly?) hand-crafted by a small team of specialists, privately-held company, great-sounding speakers, etc.)
Led me purchase first the Aeon i, then the Ascent i, and finally the Summits.
Terrific speakers all. :music:
Like most, I am hoping for the best, as well as fearing the worst.Time will tell.
One more point. Martin Logan announced record sales this year. Given this, the idea that ML moved production to keep the company in business rings hollow to me.
It's obviously a profitability issue, not a sales issue.