Martin Logan - Super Systems... Seeing / Hearing is Believing

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Martin Logan System in Red.....

Check out the Theta BCII and the Theta Dreadnaught II audio elctronic gear in the Audio Rack... Amazing... :D The Sequell II's and the four Script's resessed along those red walls. The seating looks very comfortable as well... :p


Fantastic theater....I had the opportunity to personally visit this theater about a month ago. The mains are actually Requests....I purchased them along with the Logos center for our own HT. We now have a 5.2 system with identical speakers front and rear (all Requests).

The Theta, btw, is a CBIII loaded with extreme DACs. Fabulous.......

Even Better....


Fantastic theater....I had the opportunity to personally visit this theater about a month ago. The mains are actually Requests....I purchased them along with the Logos center for our own HT. We now have a 5.2 system with identical speakers front and rear (all Requests).

The Theta, btw, is a CBIII loaded with extreme DACs. Fabulous.......


Wow! An all Request ML 5:2 system incredible... :drool: You should post your system in the 'Members Systems' section. I for one, would love to see it all set-up... :drool:

The Theta CB III with extreme DAC must have sounded too cool... :D
I never seem to take good pictures of our audio gear, and the problem is compounded by a joint living room/HT room strewn with kids toys and all sorts of junk unimaginable. But yes, I'll take a few pictures.
The 5.2 system is my dream, something thats been in the works since I purchased my original Requests almost ten years ago. This spring the dream gets a few steps closer to reality....we will have to relocate and both my wife and I have made a dedicated audio room in the new home a must. We were planning on building ourselves, but the area we are looking at is saturated with new construction and most of those homes have HT possibilities.... :)

Hi Robin, those factory pictures look like they're of the Aeon or Aeon i, the model that I have. Thanks! It's cool to see the cabinet before the actual finished product.
Joey's Vast and Varied Systems...

Keep the pics going Robin! Love your thread!

Maybe one of these days, my system can make it to this super systems thread.... once I get them out to a better listening room, perhaps.


:D I think today's the day....

Because I have the time and I have the talent...

You know..., I think..., I will do this in a 'Fun Loving Retrospective-Pictorial-Look-Back' style. Joey's many and varied systems through out the year(s). Though, Joey - you know, I really do want to see your super system, posted officially in the Members Systems section one day... :D

ML Club Membership - Hang on to your hats because here we go...

:devil: Joey's Super Systems Unchained...:devil:


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Joey's Super ML System Really Rocks Me Out....


Your system evolution listed above is simply outstanding. I do hope you keep pushing the outside of the audio envelop forever and ever. We love your audiophile spirit, it's inspiring to me...;)

It makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside but all the while wondering what is coming next and just how to protect myself...


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Were those Vistas/Vantages before the Summits?

Those were Vantages... Joey once loved them..., He loved BEM Vantages. We loved them together. But Joey changed. He changed I tell you... One day Joey awoke to discover Summits dancing in his head. I had a broken computer at the time, so I couldn't stop him. The rest is just Martin Logan history. Joey went on to buy those Summit dream speakers, even before I could get my computer fixed. When I returned, Joey had already sold our, I mean his, BEM Vantages. Even now I can't write this without shedding a tear or two, because you see we lost something in Joey then, we lost Joey to a dreaded condition know as "Joeyitis"... charliemike, I tell you now, I blame myself for this fortunate tragedy... Joey's ears are in ecstasy most of the time now soothed in Summit blissful sonic nirvana but that OK because Hey Joey if your out there, now..., just know we still love you kid...
Supernatural ~ Aerius System...

:D Another beautiful Aerius system... Love that speaker stand. ;)


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You're one of the best members on this forum. Without you, this forum would definitely be lacking in one way or another. *hug*

Joey :musicnote:
Robin - I think that's Jason Liu's system (Co-founder of this forum) isn't it?

I agree.. it's his system.

I sent him an email once telling him how much the forum means to everyone here.. but no response. :(

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Cool processor......


Wow! An all Request ML 5:2 system incredible... :drool: You should post your system in the 'Members Systems' section. I for one, would love to see it all set-up... :drool:

The Theta CB III with extreme DAC must have sounded too cool... :D

The Theta sounded much so that I went out and purchased a CBIII for our own system. :)

The extreme DAC option would have blown the roof off of our processor budget so we chose a model outfitted with Superior DAC's (20 bit vs the 24 bit of the extremes)....we can always go for a DAC upgrade later.
Game plan is to get it up and running with Theta's PC based software and then connect it into the system once its configured.

Cant wait to hear it....



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Excellent "CB III"


Wow! :D You ar soooo fortunate. I am totally envious though very happy for you my friend. Please let us know how it sounds once it all comes together... :D
Ever Want To Know What Happened to "Logan"? You Know ~ The Co-founder ML Comp...

We have all loved our ML Super Speaker systems. :D Well Gayle "Martin" Sanders did'nt develop our electrostatic speakers alone, Ron "Logan" Sutherland was just as instramental in the development of our ML speakers as well. ;) You remember Ron "Logan" Sutherland, Gayle "Martin" Sanders does... I wonder if they ever stay in touch?

Here they are together Gayle & Ron at the 1984 CES...


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Ron "Logan" Sutherland... Continued...

Apparently, our wonderful, talented genius, co-founder did not go quitely into that good night... He started another company and continued doing what he does best ~ electronical designing... Mr. Sutherland's company has been doing well, thank you very much. Mr. Sutherland has been designing with Chad Kassem, which has produced "The Director" - a direct line stage, Class "B" preamp. Mr. Sutherland also designed a Class "A" phono-stage preamp called the "Ph.D". As you will see, both pieces of audio gear are award winning audio gear as well as carry his name...

Please check-out these articles:

Look at the second article "2 Channel":

"The Director" a Line-Stage Class "B" Preamp:

The "Ph.D." a Phono-Stage Class "A" preamp:

I am sure you all would agree, Ron Sutherland is truly an amazing genius... :D


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Ron "Logan" Sutherland... More Continued...

Mr. Sutherland at a CES convention showing off his lastest electronic designs... :D


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