Hi-Def DVD is coming, where do you stand?

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Ware do you stand?

  • I will get a Blu-Ray player ASAP.

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • I will get a HD-DVD player ASAP.

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • I will wait for a universal player that does both.

    Votes: 23 48.9%
  • I am fine with current DVD’s.

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • I don’t care.

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
68sting said:
Any more updates Zip3kx07?


This was just posted on the AVS forum, from a member that just got off the phone with his dealer that claimed to have the new Anthem SSP's in his computer. The accuracy if these price’s remains to be seen, but here they are.

AVM-40 $3700
AVM-50 $4700
D-2 $6700
All have HDMI switching. The AVM-50 adds "broadcast" quality video processing to the AVM-40 feature set. Still No new info. On the Anthem web site.



Should I change my name to 68stang?

Not really any thing new right now.
Gamestop.com has added 30 PS3 games to their system with a release date of 10/1/06, so it sounds as if the fall launch date is a go? We should know more about that at E3 in May.

HD-DVD is still launching at the end of march beginning of April, but only with Toshibas two players, there other supporters have yet to give a release date or price for there players.

Here is a list of some of the movies coming out for both formats.

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Zip3kx07 said:

This was just posted on the AVS forum, from a member that just got off the phone with his dealer that claimed to have the new Anthem SSP's in his computer. The accuracy if these price’s remains to be seen, but here they are.

AVM-40 $3700
AVM-50 $4700
D-2 $6700
All have HDMI switching. The AVM-50 adds "broadcast" quality video processing to the AVM-40 feature set. Still No new info. On the Anthem web site.

Cool... :D I am very interested in the D2, $6,700.00 is not as bad as $8,000.00, but who knows where the eventual price will settle... I am wondering what all features the D2 will actually have as the actual release date nears. ;) By-the-way, when is the expected release of the Anthem D2? I think you mentioned it before but I can't remember the date... :confused:

Thank you for the valuable information. :D
Robin said:

Cool... :D I am very interested in the D2, $6,700.00 is not as bad as $8,000.00, but who knows where the eventual price will settle... I am wondering what all features the D2 will actually have as the actual release date nears. ;) By-the-way, when is the expected release of the Anthem D2? I think you mentioned it before but I can't remember the date... :confused:

Thank you for the valuable information. :D
The AVM-40 is the AVM-30 but with HDMI switching added, so you can make use of the new audio formats.

The AVM-50 adds video processing/ scaling on top of the AVM-40’s switcher using the Gennum chip, which is one of the best video processing chips in the world.

The D2 adds nothing new audio wise over the D1, but does get a fully tweaked version of the Gennum video processor, with four HDMI in’s and one output, the D2 can convert your S-video and component video singles to HDMI so you only have to run one cable to your TV (perfect for a front projector setup, wink, wink). The D2's scalier was built by Anthem with the help of the engineers at pixel magic that built the Crystallio II processor which retailers for $4500.00 by its self. So your getting a world class video scalier in a one box solution for a grate price.
Anthem D2 Processor...

Zip3kx07 said:
The AVM-40 is the AVM-30 but with HDMI switching added, so you can make use of the new audio formats.

The AVM-50 adds video processing/ scaling on top of the AVM-40’s switcher using the Gennum chip, which is one of the best video processing chips in the world.

The D2 adds nothing new audio wise over the D1, but does get a fully tweaked version of the Gennum video processor, with four HDMI in’s and one output, the D2 can convert your S-video and component video singles to HDMI so you only have to run one cable to your TV (perfect for a front projector setup, wink, wink). The D2's scalier was built by Anthem with the help of the engineers at pixel magic that built the Crystallio II processor which retailers for $4500.00 by its self. So your getting a world class video scalier in a one box solution for a grate price.

OK I'm sold... I want one...
When do you think we will be seeing them in our local High-end Audio / Video store?
I wonder how much I can get for my Pioneer VSX 59TXi reciever on Audiogon or E-bay?
Lastly, I am wondering if I will burn in h*ll for concidering selling my first born?
Robin said:

OK I'm sold... I want one...
When do you think we will be seeing them in our local High-end Audio / Video store?
I wonder how much I can get for my Pioneer VSX 59TXi reciever on Audiogon or E-bay?
Lastly, I am wondering if I will burn in h*ll for concidering selling my first born?

I am told the D2 should hit stores between now and March, so I would call your local dealer and see what there ETA is.

There is a VSX-59TXi on AudioGon that was six months old and sold for $2000.00.

I don’t have any children, but I owe the devil my first three born, so I better get started. :p

EDIT, This was posted on the AVSforum today.

"Talked to Anthem today and they said it should ship by next week. Also spoke with my dealer and he quoted a price of $6699"
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The official PS3 specs were released today, its basically the same specs that were released at E3 last year but this is the first I have heard of the PS3 being able to play SACD’s. Yes that right the Play Station 3 can play PS one, two, and three games, along with audio CDs, DVD movies Blu-Rays movies and now Super audio CD’s.
So it is true...

Zip3kx07 said:
The official PS3 specs were released today, its basically the same specs that were released at E3 last year but this is the first I have heard of the PS3 being able to play SACD’s. Yes that right the Play Station 3 can play PS one, two, and three games, along with audio CDs, DVD movies Blu-Rays movies and now Super audio CD’s.

So the rumors are true SACD's as well. Great! :D :D
Where's the advantage of new DVD formats? With today's low-cost video resolution-enhancement technologies (Faroudja chipsets, Silicon Optix's Realta chipsets, etc.), the current DVD images can be upconverted to sufficient resolution that no display artifacts are apparent on even the largest home displays. Oh, and don't forget that both the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray formats come with considerably more restrictive DRM controls, which means even less opportunities for small, high-end AV firms (like Martin Logan, Audio Research, Krell, conrad-johnson, etc.) to offer an enhanced consumer experience.

Mullard EL34
mullardel34 said:
Where's the advantage of new DVD formats? With today's low-cost video resolution-enhancement technologies (Faroudja chipsets, Silicon Optix's Realta chipsets, etc.), the current DVD images can be upconverted to sufficient resolution that no display artifacts are apparent on even the largest home displays. Oh, and don't forget that both the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray formats come with considerably more restrictive DRM controls, which means even less opportunities for small, high-end AV firms (like Martin Logan, Audio Research, Krell, conrad-johnson, etc.) to offer an enhanced consumer experience.

Mullard EL34

Yes the current DVD players can scale a 480i image to 720p or 1080i but its still a 480i image. You can’t add resolution to an image, once its gone, it’s gone. Ever wonder why on the back of a lot of DVD’s now of days it says “mastered in high definition”? Because the studios are using there D5 master tapes and converting it to 1080 resolution for HD, then it gets down converted to 480 for stranded DVD. Why do this? Because you get a little extra detail with 480 if you master it to 1080 first then to 480. If you go strait from D5 to 480 you will louse more in the transfer.

Buy mastering the movie in 480 and 1080 at the same time the studios have been gearing up for the HD formats, most studios have hundreds of movies converted to HD ready to go, they just need the hardware to launch.

Higher resolution means more detail, better colors, and a smoother picture. These up scaling DVD players are noting more then another gimmick to get your hard earned money.
Excellent synopsis...

Zip3kx07 said:
Yes the current DVD players can scale a 480i image to 720p or 1080i but its still a 480i image. You can’t add resolution to an image, once its gone, it’s gone. Ever wonder why on the back of a lot of DVD’s now of days it says “mastered in high definition”? Because the studios are using there D5 master tapes and converting it to 1080 resolution for HD, then it gets down converted to 480 for stranded DVD. Why do this? Because you get a little extra detail with 480 if you master it to 1080 first then to 480. If you go strait from D5 to 480 you will louse more in the transfer.

Buy mastering the movie in 480 and 1080 at the same time the studios have been gearing up for the HD formats, most studios have hundreds of movies converted to HD ready to go, they just need the hardware to launch.

Higher resolution means more detail, better colors, and a smoother picture. These up scaling DVD players are noting more then another gimmick to get your hard earned money.

Right on!
Yes, Wonderful explanation... :D
Wonderful synopsis of the conversion from master film print to DVD - process.

Thank you Joe... :D
And you guys say Sony is bad.

Both Sony and Toshiba have been held back from launching there players because the AACS spec they both depend on was not finalized yet. That spec just got finished but unfortunately to late for Toshiba to meet their march launch date, but it looks like they don’t care about the consumer as much as they do winning the war.


"Facing the inevitable truth that they are losing the battle, it’s not surprising that the HD-DVD camp will do just about anything at this stage in the game to create the illusion of being the high definition forerunner. Last week we reported about delays in the Advanced Access Content System (AACS), which handles many of the security and copy protection features of the upcoming HD-DVD and Blu-Ray formats. Just before the weekend these issues have been resolved and the AACS specs have been finalized. Ordinarily however, this delay would have set back the launch of the HD-DVD format because it takes some time for these new specs to be implemented in the hardware and the firmware that controls it.
Too much time, some execs at Toshiba must have thought because today information trickled down that Toshiba plans to launch their HD-DVD players in March still – with incomplete firmware. In order to make sure they launch the format ahead of Blu-Ray Toshiba – and potentially other HD-DVD partners – are willing to launch incomplete hardware with a number of features disabled. One could almost call these players defective because it is clear that these players will turn out to be completely incompatible with certain aspects of the HD-DVD specs and undoubtedly cause problems down the road, such as lock-ups, inaccessible features and possibly the complete rejection of select releases.
Isn’t that yet another reason why you should stay away from HD-DVD? To me it clearly is and I can feel nothing but pity for those poor buyers who will end up purchasing such malfunctioning hardware."
Toshiba's HD-DVD Players


It seems Toshiba has stooped to a new high in low, by releasing a almost defective player just to pre-empt Sony and Blue-Ray. :( Why would any knowledgeable consumer buy Toshiba's HD-DVD players? What can Toshiba be thinking?
I think whatever comes out - I will buy it when you see a bunch of discs taking over the aisles at best buy -- that is when i knew dvd was taking over after vhs. i still really want a laser disc player though -- that original directors version of the godfather on there is great
For you lovers of Blue Ray there has been another delay by Sony and it may be not until 2007 before you see a player!
The PS3 has been delayed ans it sites the issues with Blue Ray as one of its fundamental problems.

Personally I wonder if it will ever see the light of day but I appreciate all of you who support it and pay for all the useless R&D and manufacturing costs that will be invested so the rest of us can buy them at a reasonable prices.

Jeff :D
Jeff Zaret said:
For you lovers of Blue Ray there has been another delay by Sony and it may be not until 2007 before you see a player!
The PS3 has been delayed ans it sites the issues with Blue Ray as one of its fundamental problems.

Personally I wonder if it will ever see the light of day but I appreciate all of you who support it and pay for all the useless R&D and manufacturing costs that will be invested so the rest of us can buy them at a reasonable prices.

Jeff :D


I have heard that rumor, and the one about the PS3 not releasing till fall of ’06, and the 3rd one about there being two PS3’s released, one that can do everything and one with a cheaper price that can’t playback Blu-Ray movies.

What all three of these rumors have in common is they were not started by Sony or a company in the Video Gaming industry, but by Annalist’s. People are so hungry for PS3 info that they will believe any would be creditable source. Sony just released the official PS3 specs on there website and there is only one set of specs there and shows all PS3’s will playback Blu-Ray movies and SACD’s.

Sony had this to say about the launch’07 rumor.
Sony Computer Entertainment has reaffirmed its aim to release the PlayStation 3 in spring. However, it has also admitted that some areas of the system's specifications have yet to be finalized, and if finalization is delayed, the system's launch could be pushed back.
SCE's comments are in response to a recent report from Merrill Lynch Japan. According to Reuters, a Merrill Lynch analyst claimed in a report dated the 16th that many hardware and software companies have mentioned a possible delay for the PS3 to some time between fall and the end of the year. As reasons for the delay, the report mentioned a holdup in production of the system's video chip, problems with heat generation from the PS3 hardware and incomplete software content. However, the report also noted that Sony hadn't issued an official statement on the matter, and that Merrill Lynch would continue with the assumption of a Japanese release by May 31, the last official day of spring 2006.

A Sony public relations representative didn't specifically deny the report, stating to Reuters, "We cannot comment on analyst reports. At the present, we're aiming for a spring 2006 launch, just as planned." Reuters points out that Sony's comments did not specify a territory.

While sticking to its guns regarding a spring launch, the SCE PR agent admitted, "If we cannot finalize the specifications, we cannot release the PS3," adding, "We're currently waiting until the last minute for the specifications to be finalized." Asked what would happen in the case of a delay in finalizing the specifications, the Sony rep said, "We'd end up selecting the best time and releasing it. However, we cannot comment yet."

If we do get the PS3 this year expect to here about it at E3’06 in May.
This is from the L.A. times today.

Sony Shares Drop in Japan on PlayStation Delay Report
Console may not come out until 2007, Merrill Lynch says. The firm aims for spring debut.

From Times Wire Services

Shares of Sony Corp., the world's second-biggest consumer electronics maker, fell early today in Japan after a report by Merrill Lynch & Co. said the release of the PlayStation 3 video game console might be delayed until as late as next year.

The shares fell as much as 4.4% and ended the morning session down 2.2% at 5,380 yen ($45.57) in Tokyo.

Sony, which had planned to start selling the console in Japan in the second quarter this year, may introduce the player there in the fall and in the U.S. in late 2006 or early 2007, Merrill Lynch said in a report dated Friday.

The delay may give rivals Microsoft Corp. and Nintendo Co. more time to win market share with their new consoles. Microsoft's Xbox 360 went on sale in November and Nintendo's successor to its GameCube is due for release this year.

Sony said today that it still aimed to launch the PS3 this spring, but acknowledged that the timing could be pushed back.

"We're aiming for spring, but we haven't announced specific regions," a spokeswoman for Sony Computer Entertainment said. She added that some of the detailed specifications of the PlayStation 3 had not yet been finalized, such as those related to the Blu-ray DVD format and the input and output of video and sound.

The PlayStation 3 may cost Sony $900 to build at the time of release and drop to $320 in three years, according to the Merrill Lynch report. Microsoft loses about $153 on each Xbox 360, which retails for $299 to $399, researcher ISuppli Corp. said.

Nintendo last month said its Revolution console might sell for less than $300 and would go on sale in November.

Jeff :cool:
The Hi-Def ship is sinking because of HDCP

If you are even remotely interested in HD-DVD/Blu-Ray: Every component that an HD signal passes through MUST have an HDCP chip in it. Yes I said chip. No not firmware upgrade. Chip.

For people with TVs/Pre-Pros/Receivers

For people with computers

For people who think they can circumvent HDCP

Sadly I have given up on Hi-Def content from a 5 inch disc. This is totaly ridiculous!!!. Big Content (Entertainment Industry) is treating us like we don't have a choice. They are truly taking the consumer for granted. Big Content does not want to compete in the market for our entertainment dollars. They feel that they are above that. They would rather compete by legislating away our rights (DMCA) or by boxing the consumer into a corner (HDCP, DRM).

It is not about piracy. It is about making the consumer pay for the same content multiple times. None of what they are doing is going to stop the real content pirates. But we the legitimate users will have to jump through hoop after hoop!


Well I do have a choice. I have already given up on DVD-A/SACD. Add HD-DVD and Blu-Ray to that list. I can't afford to upgrade my equipment anyways.

Big Content and the DMCA are killing innovation!