Jeff Zaret said:
For you lovers of Blue Ray there has been another delay by Sony and it may be not until 2007 before you see a player!
The PS3 has been delayed ans it sites the issues with Blue Ray as one of its fundamental problems.
Personally I wonder if it will ever see the light of day but I appreciate all of you who support it and pay for all the useless R&D and manufacturing costs that will be invested so the rest of us can buy them at a reasonable prices.
I have heard that rumor, and the one about the PS3 not releasing till fall of ’06, and the 3rd one about there being two PS3’s released, one that can do everything and one with a cheaper price that can’t playback Blu-Ray movies.
What all three of these rumors have in common is they were not started by Sony or a company in the Video Gaming industry, but by Annalist’s. People are so hungry for PS3 info that they will believe any would be creditable source. Sony just released the official PS3 specs on there website and there is only one set of specs there and shows all PS3’s will playback Blu-Ray movies and SACD’s.
Sony had this to say about the launch’07 rumor.
Sony Computer Entertainment has reaffirmed its aim to release the PlayStation 3 in spring. However, it has also admitted that some areas of the system's specifications have yet to be finalized, and if finalization is delayed, the system's launch could be pushed back.
SCE's comments are in response to a recent report from Merrill Lynch Japan. According to Reuters, a Merrill Lynch analyst claimed in a report dated the 16th that many hardware and software companies have mentioned a possible delay for the PS3 to some time between fall and the end of the year. As reasons for the delay, the report mentioned a holdup in production of the system's video chip, problems with heat generation from the PS3 hardware and incomplete software content. However, the report also noted that Sony hadn't issued an official statement on the matter, and that Merrill Lynch would continue with the assumption of a Japanese release by May 31, the last official day of spring 2006.
A Sony public relations representative didn't specifically deny the report, stating to Reuters, "We cannot comment on analyst reports. At the present, we're aiming for a spring 2006 launch, just as planned." Reuters points out that Sony's comments did not specify a territory.
While sticking to its guns regarding a spring launch, the SCE PR agent admitted, "If we cannot finalize the specifications, we cannot release the PS3," adding, "We're currently waiting until the last minute for the specifications to be finalized." Asked what would happen in the case of a delay in finalizing the specifications, the Sony rep said, "We'd end up selecting the best time and releasing it. However, we cannot comment yet."
If we do get the PS3 this year expect to here about it at E3’06 in May.