Not at all.
We are all human and with different views on a particular subject, and wile we at times agree there is always that one topic were people will clash. I understand that and respect that.
I am just trying to give my point of view that DVD was expected to fail by many. At the time of its creation no one expected it to replace VHS, but it did. And know no one expected it to sell HDTV’s like crack.
Do you think the public would have bought into HD-DVD back then if they thought they would have to buy a new TV before the player? And you can say, Aw you can down scale the Hi-Def video for any TV, but the consumer is dumb. I know this from my few years of retail experience, and trying to sell widescreen movies to people because they are better and you louse less of the picture and they say to me "but I don't have a widescreen TV". You can say if you build it they will come, but how many products did Sony invented and failed? Mini-disk any one?
What is, is and what’s, what was. We can debate this till we are blue in they face or our fingers go numb. Fact is DVD took off and helped sell Hi-Def televisions across the glob and now we need Hi-Def content for it and here it is.
Eventually HD-DVD/Blu-ray players prices will come down to ware DVD players are today, and when that happen you wont be able to get a regular DVD player anymore because every player will be HD-DVD/Blu-Ray and both formats are backwards compatible with standard DVDs.
So the future looks bright for that little format that most thought would not make it, now its going next gen. and the decision to hop on the bus is up to you. I made my decision and I am here to help you make yours, if you would like my help, but know the chouse Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, or stick with what you got, is up to you, I don’t care what your decision is, as long as it make YOU happy.