Hi all, been really crook for a while,but now on the mend, if anyone wondering!!
Being a country boy and growing up on a farm,i feel i can comment a little on the subject.
Any person that has held, and fired a gun, should well know the power you feel when its in your hands. It is quite strong.
I also know the feeling when what you shoot ,dies in front of you.thankfully i have moved on ,grown up,and have no need to shoot anything that is alive,anymore.sometimes you have to unfortunatly.especially if living in the country.
The world is full of idiots,these are the people that should not be able to buy a gun over the counter. Here in western australia,you have to own a farm ,belong to a gun club, or after getting permission from three farmers and after a lot of police checks,then you may get a gun licence. Getting a pistol is ni on impossible. Also no autos here as well.
Finishing up, one thing that stood out to me when in the states a few years ago, is the amount of mentaly ill people wandering the streets?? This cannot help your gun problem either,
is this because of your lack of free health care?? And a lack of free mentalhomes maybe??
Our biggest gun problem now ,is cheap hand guns from america being smuggled into our country.
So from where i sit ,keeping guns away from those who have no reason to have them, is your problem, self protection is not a reason here in australia. It wont be one in the usa either ,once they are restricted.
Your constitution isnt a big help either ,the wild west is long gone guys. Cheers cliff .ps hi roberto