former MLO owner/operator
stricter gun laws are needed here in the US... Until our leaders do something about it, we can only sit back and watch as these events continue to happen.
Gordon, after the 'latest' tragedy in Ca, I'm afraid we have ............truly become numb.
That's a pretty sweeping statement. I want you to give me facts to back up your statement that every developed country has shown that gun control has worked.
I also want you to look into Finland and Switzerland.
Also, let me know how Mexico has tough gun control but crime remains very high.
Before the most recent attack, Obama was saying we had little to worry about when it comes to terrorist attacks on US soil. But I find that to be contradictory with the fact that suspected terrorists, in our country, not being on a "no gun list", is a national security issue. A suspect is someone who is believed to be guilty of something. If a person is believed to be a terrorist, I agree with the president that they shouldn't be able to purchase a gun. I just think we should do all we can, legally of course, to also make sure that person isn't able to walk into a crowded event with a bomb as well. We can do more, without placing them in jail. It would help if we had as many FBI employees as we do IRS employees. I'm not sure the president shares my view. He seems to be a bit mute when it comes to the threat of terrorists in the US in general, but a suspected terrorist with the ability to purchase a gun is suddenly a national security issue.
Whether it's criminals with prior histories, people with known serious mental health issues, kids misbehaving at school, aggressive and/or reckless driving, more people taking advantage of our generous welfare system, illegal immigrants or "suspected terrorists" living within our communities, I just see us growing more tolerant of irresponsible behavior with each passing year. Some of that behavior places all our lives in greater danger each day. So if stricter gun law enforcement is part of the answer, then so be it. I just don't see the point in cleaning up one room if we're content to leave the rest of the house so dirty.
I guess my only question is... if a person is a suspected terrorist.... why are they allowed in the country in the first place? I mean if we are going to take away rights ... lets just do the whole nine yards and not allow individuals associated with any terrorist groups in any way - into the country..... Didn't they have the guys on the 911 tragedy on a 'list'? I mean WTF? I'm sick of this political correctness agenda pushing BS.....
Yep CLOSE the borders till it get sorted out, just like Trump said this morning!! France f'd it up and we obviously f'd up with those idiots in CA. No more in, sorry about your luck to the decent Islamics out there...the world has changed, the USA is no longer taking "The tired, the poor and the hungry", find another place to settle!!
Also, here in the US, over 90% of refugees from the middle east are currently on welfare assistance of some sort, but at least we are flush with money. So bring them on.![]()
Kevin, say it isn't true ................. if so , it disgusts me.
Trump is a fascist, pure and simple. His ideas speak of bigotry and cowardice. It's un-American. It's clear that he and his followers have no idea what America stands for. Unfortunately, too many in our country have also forgotten. The fear and hatred against Muslims escaping certain death is due to fear and ignorance and hatred and bigotry. If you fall in with Trump, be man enough to admit your racism and bigotry and fascism.