Well-known member
Gordon, I agree with you on that!
The only difference between the USA and Australia (or Great Britain or any other civilised country in the world for that matter) is gun laws. Surely you can see that?
It's time for republicans to take back their party and work with democrats through the normal process of compromise to prevent further division among ourselves. IMO
The democrats had a filibuster proof majority at one time, they could have used to pass any laws they wanted to without the republicans being able to stop them. They found a way to pass Obamacare despite no republican votes. Why did they not pass any gun law that they felt was necessary at that time?
If people believe it's just the number of guns that needs to be addressed, how would you decrease that number, without making it "tougher" as I have said, on those of us who are responsible with guns?
Different topic Kevin.
I disagree. It goes right along with what is being discussed. The thread is about gun control, and then turned into a discussion of republican politics. Isn't that when things really got off topic? But you suggested that the republicans don't compromise with the democrats. So I would like to know why the democrats didn't pass a brilliant gun law when they clearly had the open opportunity to do so. But I understand why you wouldn't want to answer that question. And it seems that deflection is what liberals do best when they don't have an answer.
One thing for sure, there are no easy answers. There is no way, at least in my lifetime, that I can see the US doing anything remotely like what Australia did to remove guns. It just won't happen, so another realistic and workable solution would need to be found. I don't think I am going to change anyone's mind, you certainly won't change mine. But I do enjoy hearing others opinions, even when the differ or challenge my own.
Absolutely - that's why we participate![]()
I agree, it's a very difficult discussion, with no easy answers. The important thing is to have discussion so that different ideas can be mulled over and possible helpful actions can be determined. That's the hope, anyway.
The Democrats for the most part are in bed with the NRA almost as much as the Republicans are, so they aren't doing anything. They don't want to touch this issue with a 10 foot pole.
Gun manufacturers are having a field day. Obama has been GREAT for the gun business! People are so scared that Obama is going to take their guns away that people are buying guns like crazy.
Talk about the hight of stupidity and gun violence ……………
Talk about the hight of stupidity and gun violence ……………
Recently I read that for every gun used properly in self defense two guns go off accidentally killing an innocent,and another 24 people are shot dead by criminals and while another 78 people shoot themselves. That can be read many ways. Some would say that the 24 people killed by criminals would be lower if more people had guns and that people who are suicidal would find another way. I also suspect that most people only believe the accidental death would happen to someone else, or that was Darwin at work.
I mean - you could say ...