Demographics is an interesting phenomena when it comes to gun deaths.
So you all know, Wyoming has a state population of about 600,000 per the 2010 census. Lowest in the lower 48 to the best of my knowledge.
Approx. 63% of all households have guns. This is way up there as you would imagine given our state's love of individual freedom (including gun ownership) and hate for government telling our citizens what they can and can't do.
An example. There is actually support for folks who want to be able to bring guns into public meetings. Not sure why they apparently feel threatened but I guess they do.
Wyoming has also rated in the top five states for overall gun deaths per 100,000 people for numerous years. I also found a stat (need to verify) that approx. 80% of all gun deaths in Wyoming are attributable to suicide. Not good. I knew two friends here in the Jackson area that chose that route.
Guess our male population needs more sheep.
On a more serious note Kevin, I was painting with a broader brush regarding gun deaths in the USA versus deaths caused by Muslims, terrorists, etc. The differences in magnitude are quite astounding.