When I was younger and used to go to a lot of punk gigs....
This is what live was to me:
1) Going down the front and pogoing. It'd get so cramped you'd all move up and down en mass. As you went down, the heat would come up. As you went up, you'd gasp for some fresh air. It'd get so tight you could take your feet of the ground and still move with the crowd. You'd take 20 minutes of it, then take a breather, then do another 20. The energy was amazing.
2) You'd spend a week getting over the tinitus the volume at the gigs was so loud.
3) Swill down a good few pints before and during the gig. It all seemed a lot better after a few jars.
4) Try to avoid getting smacked in the face by the more agressive types.:devil:
5) SQ was almost irrelevant - as long as it was loud. The bands at the time where so packed full of energy (The Clash, The Damned, Joy Division, The Undertones, The Stranglers etc etc) and excitement it was amazing. Really &$*&!£$*&&!!! enjoyable. After the gig, you'd just feel great - like nothing else compared.
6) The dance floor would be full of broken plastic pint jars, *** butts, and split beer afterwards.
7) At a Damned gig once in London, a large percentage of the chairs got smashed and thrown towards the stage. They had to keep stopping the gig, as the bits kept landing on people. So they'd get them up on stage, covered in blood, and pronounce the gig would be stopped unless it stopped. The bouncers were indiscriminantly punching people, working from the outside of the crowd to the inside. Rough as hell (a bit like being in it, actually) but it was one of the best gigs I have ever been too!
Additionally, Captain Sensible poured a flaggon of ale over the support act, came on stage with a 30 foot inflatable dinosaur tail, but otherwise totally naked, and featured on the front page of the NME the next week!
Now THAT is live.:rocker::rocker::rocker::devil:
Don't talk to me about SQ.... blinkin' irrelevant mate. And really not necessary to having a thoroughly GREAT TIME!!!
If I could buy those days back I'd do it in an instant!