Well-known member
I think your ad needs some help frankly it is just terrible.
1) you need some better pics of your speakers
2) you need to get the other speakers out of the pic and do not mention them.
3) your ad is cold and has a matter of fact need to convey how good these speakers are and how happy the new buyer will be when they buy them. just refering to reviews is not enough to convince someone on the fence.
4)you need to convey to the buyer that you will do everything that you can to help them with the purchase.
remember just because you are selling something on the cheap it does not meen that you will not need to put in some selling effort to get them to of the reasons MSS HIFI does so well is that he puts a sense of urgency in his adds and tries to make you feel that if you do not move right away you will miss out! people get sucked into this sometimes.I really think if you get some better pics and re word your add so that you come across more as one audiophile who loves his speakers you may have better luck. price is not everything maybe you should ad some kind of extra service or accommodation and actually raise the price sometimes people are Leary to buy the cheapest on the list.
anyway I hope some of this helps it comes from years of selling experience.
Fish_man is Right! Presentation is most important. Here are the pics of a PC I sold in just a couple of days for almost what I was asking for on Audiogon. Like they say, a good picture can speak thousands of words. Also having a long list of positive feedback helps.