I had fully intended to my friend, but after reading the absolutely stunning reviews you did I was too intimidated to proceed. :bowdown:
Gordon brings up a very interesting point when he talks about connecting to the music, and that he has found his tastes migrating to more classical and jazz. I've had a similar journey with an interesting side departure as well. Over the years I too have listened to more and more classical and jazz. I still listen to a wide range of pretty much everything (not much country or hip-hop, but some). When I listen to classical and jazz I find that I more often than not tend to listen to it on vinyl, and that I tend to listen more intently, and that I listen to entire albums rather than single cuts or even album sides.
When I listen to my Sonos system, be it either in my listening room or in other areas of the house both inside and out, I tend to just select either a playlist or just run through my entire library randomly. I find myself doing other things - chatting with the wife, surfing the net, working, etc. I'm certainly still enjoying the music, but it is more of supplement to other activities.
The "goosebump" moments though seem to come only when I am concentrating on the music alone, and it is then that I really appreciate how good my system can sound because it IS conveying that sense of the music to me.