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Denon's RCD M 35DAB Player...

This Denon CD Player seems like a new model... ;)


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Lexicon Fascinating RT-10

:) The Lexicon company produces a Universal player with Bal/unbal. outs...


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Have you heard of the newest Lexicon RT-20....

The Lexicon RT-20 is even more fascinating... :D


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Helios Stargate CD Player...

:D OK this is too cool..., the Helios Stargate CD player... :D


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More Lovily T + A...

:cheers: This Transparent Audio CD player is really goregous... :D


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Thanks for posting these photos. Just looking at them makes me think, who cares how they sound if they look so cool/good! The looks certainly appeal to the gadgeteer inside me.
Balanced Audio Technology VK-D5SE

I just bought my first high-end source off Audiogon and
it should arrive in a few weeks. This is also my first (and
probably only) foray into tubed gear.

Now where's that gloat emoticon...ah...:D


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From what I'm told, SACD can't do digital out so this is really one area that I can say that the best player is worth every penny. Gotta have a good DAC to be worth it.
So does anyone know of a reputable dealer to get some of these Chinese brands--Shanling, Original, Consonance, etc?

I've seen them on Ebay, usually from someone in Hong Kong, but I'm a little nervous sending a Grand (or more) via PayPal to someone on another continent...

Any US distributors?

--Richard C.
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The Astounding Accuphase DP78....

:D This Accuphase DP78 has it all CD/SACD, MDS++ DAC's, Digital servo single lens/twin pickup with high-speed access HS-link and Digital volume control all for only $9K. A steal deal when you consider the quality electronics and potential for awesome musical listening involved. :cheers:


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From what I'm told, SACD can't do digital out so this is really one area that I can say that the best player is worth every penny. Gotta have a good DAC to be worth it.

Not completly true. SACD and DVD-A can do digital out but only via a HDCP "protected" link such HDMI. My Oppo 981 does digital out via HDMI, And Theta Digital's player has a special cable to their controllers / DACs.

...Copy Protection Rant goes here...
Not completly true. SACD and DVD-A can do digital out but only via a HDCP "protected" link such HDMI. My Oppo 981 does digital out via HDMI, And Theta Digital's player has a special cable to their controllers / DACs.

...Copy Protection Rant goes here...

Yep, and there is Denon Link (using IEEE1394 'firewire') and the Meridian MHR links.

Denon supports both DVD-A and SACD over their link, Meridian only has DVD-A support in their players, so that's all you get from them.
Lovely Lindemann 820 CD/SACD Player...

:p I discovered another great reviewed CD/SACD player with volume control (preamp built-in). :D Made in Germany as well. :cheers:
I think the Lindemann 820 runs about 4400 Euro's, I don't know how much that is in US dollars... Does anyone know? Isn't it double the Euro's so $8800.00 (USD)?


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EMM Labs Meitner CD-12... Incredible...

:cheers: EMM Labs Meitner CD-12 is great but doesn't play SACD's... but at $20K who cares. :p


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