Which Source? Hum...
Hum, Interesting question... Well, I've been researching each one, as I've posted the photo. I wish I had more money. But your question to me was, "if I could..." Soooo I would have to answer you like this:
If I could have a source and money was no object my first choice would be a tie between the Zanden three box set (2000T - Transporter, 5000 - DAC's, and Outboard Power Supply Unit) for a total of $43,000. Or the DCS - Elgar, Vardi and Purcell CD/SACD four box set, which I believe the cost is more than $50,000.
Practically / Realistically speaking though, what I've narrowed it down to the following list, in order of preference:
1). Meridian 808i ~ 14,500(new) est. $8,000(used).
1). Cary Audio's 306 CD/SACD player ~ $6,000(new) or $4,200(used).
1). TEAC's Esoteric X-03 CD/SACD~ $7,500(new) or $3,900(used).
2). Krell Audio's CD/SACD Standard ~ $4,000(new) or $2,800(used).
2). McIntosh MCD 201 CD/SACD (only if they improve the transport devise) ~ $3,600(new) or $2,800(used).
As you can see, I am very torn... ~ A tie for first place and a tie for second place...

The problem is I am leaning toward adding a passive line stage preamp, probably the 'Music First Magnetic Passive', which would add an additional cost $3,000(new) or None (used) at this time (with the exception of the Meridian 808i and the McIntosh MCD 201, which already have variable level control built-in)...
Up-gradeitis... May God have mercy on my poor soul....