The Hitch-hiker's Guilde Of ~ Source Players ~ CD / SACD / DVD...

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The Einstein Tubed CD Player is up-town boss at $7,800... :D


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Consonance - Forbidden City CD Player...

:p I'm willing to audition this kinda CD player in the 'Forbidden City', especially for only $2400... :p


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Gentelman I give you the amazing - Ensemble Dirondo CD player...

Wonder of wonders The Ensemble Dirondo - CD player... :D


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OK This CD Player Is One Of The Very Best...

It's the BOW Technologies - Wizard 2 Limited Edition CD player... :) Only 50 of these babies wher made last year. :eek: This photo is of number 7 of 50... Only $12,000 (new).


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Wonderfully Modified ~ Sony SDC-777ES...

Check-out this amazingly modified Sony SDC-777ES, which has all of the following modification:

The very latest Kern up-dates - Transmod, Superclock II, Blackgates. If you look closely you can see the two small tubes at the left rear corner, which were added in, a total of $3,000 in modifications to this Sony SDC-777ES, which unmodified runs $3,000 (new). :)


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    Sony - SCD777ES - with Kern up-grades, Trans Mod, Superclock II and Blackgates.jpg
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The last CD player you'll ever buy. . .

Here it is, probably the best 1-box solution money can buy - the Meridian 808. I'm just trying to work out how to afford one of these myself!




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A Few more Views of the Einstein Tubed CD Player

German built with French made DAC's. They say this player sounds as good as Musical Fidelity's Tri Vista Tubed CD Player... ;)


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The Exciting KRELL ~ SACD Standard...

For $4,000 (new) the Krell ~ SACD Standard is excellent. Stereophile magazine had a super review on this very SACD player as well. :)


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What about the new Rega Saturn...?


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The New Raga Saturn Looks Very Cool But How About Raysonic...

:) The Raysonic CD128 tubed CD player is extremely beautiful and has great reviews on 6moons... It's only $1700. :D


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Raysonic CD128 ~ Rear Photo...

:p The Raysonic even looks beautiful from the rear... :p


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Now that Raysonic is probably the best looking player in this thread IMO!
DavidG said:
Here it is, probably the best 1-box solution money can buy - the Meridian 808. I'm just trying to work out how to afford one of these myself!



Yep, Meridian 808 is the worlds very best DVD-A playback system when paired with an 861 or G68.

RedBook performance is astounding as well.

Unfortunately, I find that a well put together HTPC with the right audio card running FooBar2K can match this transport on rebook (actually does better with hard to read discs, as EAC will read for an hour if needed to get the bits right). And does it for a heck of a lot less.

But still, If I had tons of cash, I'd get an 808 just because it matched the 861 I'd surely have.
Consonance / Opera Audio's ~ Droplet...

The $3,000 Droplet - made in China, is really beautiful with Bal./Unbal. outs, it's very versatile as well... :)


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The Hitch-hiker's Guide of Source Players

Robin: Good morning. You have done an outstanding job. Thanks for all the time and work that took. If you had a choice and could afford it, which would you pick?
Which Source? Hum...


Hum, Interesting question... Well, I've been researching each one, as I've posted the photo. I wish I had more money. But your question to me was, "if I could..." Soooo I would have to answer you like this:

If I could have a source and money was no object my first choice would be a tie between the Zanden three box set (2000T - Transporter, 5000 - DAC's, and Outboard Power Supply Unit) for a total of $43,000. Or the DCS - Elgar, Vardi and Purcell CD/SACD four box set, which I believe the cost is more than $50,000.

Practically / Realistically speaking though, what I've narrowed it down to the following list, in order of preference:

1). Meridian 808i ~ 14,500(new) est. $8,000(used).
1). Cary Audio's 306 CD/SACD player ~ $6,000(new) or $4,200(used).
1). TEAC's Esoteric X-03 CD/SACD~ $7,500(new) or $3,900(used).
2). Krell Audio's CD/SACD Standard ~ $4,000(new) or $2,800(used).
2). McIntosh MCD 201 CD/SACD (only if they improve the transport devise) ~ $3,600(new) or $2,800(used).

As you can see, I am very torn... ~ A tie for first place and a tie for second place... :eek: The problem is I am leaning toward adding a passive line stage preamp, probably the 'Music First Magnetic Passive', which would add an additional cost $3,000(new) or None (used) at this time (with the exception of the Meridian 808i and the McIntosh MCD 201, which already have variable level control built-in)... :eek:

Up-gradeitis... May God have mercy on my poor soul.... :eek:
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