Tengiz K
Sammamish, WA
Vistas + Motif + Motion 4s + Dynamo 700
Purchased in 2011
No Mods/Changes
Other components:

Sammamish, WA
Vistas + Motif + Motion 4s + Dynamo 700
Purchased in 2011
No Mods/Changes
Other components:
In the media room:
Panasonic TC-P54V10 Plasma
Oppo BD-93 BD/DVD-A/SACD player
Marantz NR1601 receiver
Philips Pronto TSU9300
In the garage:Oppo BD-93 BD/DVD-A/SACD player
Marantz NR1601 receiver
Philips Pronto TSU9300
Windows Media Center PC
HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server
Philips Pronto RFX9600 extender
HP MediaSmart Windows Home Server
Philips Pronto RFX9600 extender

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