Well-known member

1. Member Name: Steven Bonamo
2. Location: Round Rock, TX
3. ML Model(s): ML SL3
4. Year Purchased: 2010
5. Mods/Changes: no mods
6. Associated Electronics:
2 channel listening:
Carver M1.0T amplifier with MkIIo2 mods
Carver C11 preamplifier
NAD C542 CD player
Media PC: HP Compaq 6005 PC with Meedio + Firefly IR remote
Martin Logan SL3 speakers
Home theater system:
Marantz SR4002 7.1 surround receiver
Pioneer DV-333 DVD player
Toshiba 32A52RZ 32" LCD TV
Dell 3400MP DLP Projector
Dahlquist PDQ12 sub
Custom built rear surrounds (2 x 5.25 woofer subs, 1 dome tweeter)
Infinity Video 1 Center channel speaker
Other components attached:
Scientific Atlanta cable/DVR box
Nintendo Wii
Cables - Primarily Monster interconnects and speaker cables (I know, time to upgrade!)
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I heard MLs way back (maybe 10+ years ago?) and fell in love with them. I then heard them again about 3 years back at a Tweeter store. I ended up buying a set of used Carver ALIIIs which I used up until a few months ago. I traded up for the ML SL3s and am in love with the sound. The Carvers were great, but the MLs have better clarity, detail, tighter bass, provide more accurate mids and the looks are an added bonus. My goal is to purchase an ML sub to compliment the MLs, but there are a few things I need to get first (better PC audio card, external DAC for PC digital out, higher quality interconnects/speaker wires etc). Getting there!
Oh - I know the pics is not the greatest, and I have already made some additions to the component list. I will update ASAP.
July 2010 update:
Sound treatment: DIY absorbers 2: 2x4 front wall, 3: 2x2 rear wall behind seating area.
Speaker cables: AudioQuest Pikes Peak BiWire
April 2011 update:
Sound treatment: Added 2 absorbers to front wall (total 4 now), added 2 bass traps front wall corners, added 2 absorbers front ceiling corners.
Cables: DIY silver interconnect with Eichmann Silver RCAs, changes power cords for SL3 to AudioQuest NRG-2, Wireworld Starlight USB cable for DAC.
Component changes/additions: Switched out Carver C-11 preamp for an Opera Consonance MKII tube preamp, added HRT Music Streamer II DAC, added ML Grotto sub with PowerLink power cable.
Short term upcoming changes: Upgrade 2nd Carver M1.0T amp and run as mono blocks, add bass traps in rear corners, add absorbers on side wall, add some wall art!!
7/20/10 Upgrades:
- HP PC - multimedia server with Meedio
- AudioQuest Pikes Peak Biwire speaker cables
- DIY absorbers: 2: 2'x4' on the front wall, 3: 2'x2' on the back wall, 2: ceiling/corner on the front right an left, 1: 2'x4' Bass trap -front right.
1/21/12 Major Upgrades:
- Burson Audio DA-160 DAC
- ASL DT mono block amps (re-tubed with EH KT88s and a mix of NOS tubes for driver/splitter front end 6SN7GTs)
- Summits!!
Absolutely love the Summits, especially with tube power for the panel + 2 x ice SS amps for the woofer. Time for a little $ break and plan to do smaller tweaks (tube rolling in preamp, upgrade power cables for MLs, better amps stands, more sound treatment etc) and will eventually look toward the ever-expensive but awesome sounding vinyl gear. Never ends!
April 2013 update:
Too many changes to list (tube rolling, added extra breaker/power line, cables, BC DAC3, M&K subs, treatment, etc, etc). Sounds great until you hear other systems with $25K and up speakers! Still continues to improve as I continually upgrade.....
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