What Martin Logan speakers are produced in Canada?

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I have a sick pair of SL3, where on panel needs replacing, coupled with a very sick Krell power amplifier (KSA-250) that literally exploded after 30 years.

Based over here in the UK how am
I going to get them fixed :-(
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Attn: Mark E
Now that's a real bummer. Having both stat speakers and power amplifier down, in need of repairs. I was talking with our ML importer here in Aus, and according to them, replacement stat panels are going to cost a bloody fortune! Let alone other parts required for ML stats to sound upto full spec.

So, I would suggest getting in contact with your ML importer / authorised dealer and just check if they could be of any help. Worth a shot just in case, you never know. Otherwise you'll have to get hold of someone who has the required skills to refurb stats, of course getting those parts directly from ML if need be. This is going to cost you a fair pretty penny. Regarding the Krell amp, that also depends on skilled techies, parts availability and what's out there in terms of affordability to fix. So all depends on your finances and how much you're willing to spend.

I truly hope you can get your gear fixed and enjoy those fine tunes in no time. Krell and ML stats are a fine combination! I first experienced this way back in a galaxy far away... during my undergrad years in Chicago. The moment I heard that combination with a Krell integrated driving SL3's, I knew straight away what I wanted. The rest is history!

Cheers matey, hope you find the right solution to enjoy some music.
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Just had a brief chat to our ML importer here, Audio Active, seems quite positive so far. According to latest stock updates, there are certain parts not available for much older stats but there's definitely tech support from the Reserve line upwards, so they say.

Thinking about the older hybrid stats, SL3 series, Aries, Monolith and so on, seems to be a challenge. Parts for this gen will depend on what's in stock or perhaps sourced from other importers who may have a few items remaining. However, nothing certain.

Apart from that, anything in the Reserve line upwards (Theos, Ethos, Montis, Summit-X, and CLX's) parts are available. Also the latest Masterpiece series line, so no issues there. Also good to know, they do have very skilled stat techies on site, who can carry out the work required, and are in close contact with ML HQ, which is basically Anthem / Paradigm. Pricing for CLX parts quoted doesn't seem too bad as I had initially thought. So that's definitely a darn good thing! Woofty woof'n! I really and absolutely love these CLX's and even though I've auditioned at length other alternatives, such as Apogee's, Alsyvox and Diptyque, there's something just so addictive on that stat midrange, nothing else can replicate it. No chance.

So, I'm holding onto these for as long as possible, and long as our trusted ML importer can offer tech support to their customer base.
Cheers to that, and most of all, enjoy those finest tunes!
I've enjoyed my ML speakers for a while now and hope to for some time, but I think if they ever get to the day their panels give up, I'll try something else.

I feel like I scratched an itch when I got them, but after about a decade of use, I don't have the itch anymore.
I've enjoyed my ML speakers for a while now and hope to for some time, but I think if they ever get to the day their panels give up, I'll try something else.

I feel like I scratched an itch when I got them, but after about a decade of use, I don't have the itch anymore.
Ha! Yes can certainly relate to that.

However, that itch can and does come back full circle. First ever audition on stats were a pair of Aries & SL3's. Whiles I was a student way back then obviously couldn't afford those but they were a dream! Then came across Quad ESL's and got my first ever stats. I still thought the ML stats were from heaven, an absolute legendary sound. Several years passed on and during my full-time job in corporate world, I managed to run a dealership network as a side business. Various speaker systems went through our demo rooms; Paradigm, Energy, Infinity's, Genesis, Apogee's, and Maggie's. However, there was one that always remained in our personal reference systems, mostly comprised of stats and Maggie's.

Then it all started with those very SL3's, then onto the CLSIIz's and up the Reserve line- (Ethos, Montis and Summit-X). I thought that was it, just about good enough... but NO, that itch got worse when I auditioned the Statements Evo-II's! That was and still is an awe-inspiring experience. From that demo onwards, the Statements have been my "point of reference in Absolute Sound."

Fast fwd that a few decades and now I have the CLX Art's. That itch is gone now, and I've drawn the line here. Now it's a matter of stat and tube gear maintenance. Taking into consideration where it all started in Fall of 95, and looking at things now in 2025, that's a full circle back to ML stats! That's one hell of an itch!

Woof! Do enjoy those finest tunes.
Cheers, RJ