I'm looking for an entire rear panel with crossover and power supply. If you can help in anyway, even with just a few of the necessary parts, please reach out to me on here! Thanks!!!
The power supply I have is MPLS103 rev-h
Your best outcome would be finding used/original replacement parts, or new/original replacement parts, at a decent price.
However; if original replacement parts are unavailable, there is a third option:
If you can solder components onto a circuit board, you could build your own power supplies, and then bi-amp the system using an active crossover. This would require replacing the power supplies in both speakers.
You would need four amp channels (two stereo amps) and an aftermarket active crossover-- preferably a digital unit with a mic for tuning.
It's not so hard, really.
If this is feasible for you; PM me and I will send you a parts list, and I may even have a spare pair of circuit boards to donate.
I haven't priced components recently but I'm guessing the power supplies (HV bias supplies + transformers) for both speakers would run about $325.
A DBX Driverack PA2 DSP/Crossover with a tuning mic would probably run you about $700 new, or used on Ebay for around $400. This unit even has auto-EQ functionality and a super cool smart phone or tablet interface.
The power supplies would be identical to the one shown below, consisting of a 3.25kV DC bias supply & tandem toroidal step-up transformers (76:1 ratio):
Just a thought....