1. Given that there is now one CEO/President presiding over both brands and ML production has moved to the Paradigm facility, has there been or is there planned an actual merger of these two companies/brands? If so, why has this not been publicized? If not, then how would you characterize it?
No. Merging two companies with completely different products & distribution would be foolish. Instead, we now have the opportunity to share technologies, testing & measuring equipment, and other synergies (I know, I hate that word, too). For example, instead of THREE engineering groups trying to solve similar problems separately, we now have the chance to work together.
2. Do you intend to use Paradigm-built cone speaker drivers in the Martin Logan hybrid speakers built at the Paradigm facility, or do you intend to continue to outsource the cone speakers in those models?
This is certainly an example where there is opportunity to bring back production to North America, which in my mind, would be a win. For now, I believe that sourcing for existing products will remain the same, BUT the ML team will be working hard on using the strengths of the new facility in the future; cone speaker manufacturing would be one of those possibilities we could now certainly investigate.
Who will be training the labor at the Paradigm facility in how to build an ESL panel?
Rob Zimmerman, who has been with MartinLogan for over 19 years building ESL panels, has already started the process. It's hard work and from what I hear, he's doing a great job. As previously pointed out, this won't happen overnight, but with people like Rob leading the way, I have a lot of faith.
3. As you are aware from my posts, I am concerned that your product expansion in the home theater arena is going to limit your desire/ability to R&D the higher end ESL line. Along those lines, are you expanding the R&D department, contracting it, or is it staying the same? Do you have any intention to develop a flagship model beyond the CLX (in other words, will there be another CLX or Statement-level product once the CLX has run its natural course)?
Now here's where you need to change your thinking a bit. Creating "friendly" home theater was LONG overdue from MartinLogan, and the Motion series was the direct answer to that absence. I don't know if you've ever heard the phrase "a rising tide lifts all boats," but that's certainly the case here. If anything, more demand for the ML brand will create more opportunity for high end products. By contrast, if there's no growth in a shrinking ultra-high-end market, and that's all we sold, where would be moving forward?
Just as side note based on my own personal experiences in the industry, the Motion Series is anything BUT "low-fi." A lot of time, energy and engineering has gone into finding the best technologies that mesh well with the basic principles of our ESL sound. That's one reason why I wanted to get these in the hands of our core customers, because I can say just about anything, but the real test will be from those most closely familiar with ML's signature sound (that's you guys!). More to come on this, but we'll be extending a lot more "trials" with you guys with upcoming products, including ESL products.
Hmmm...a flagship above the CLX? Well, I'm afraid I can't provide any answers to that one, I guess you'll have to wait and see.
4. I understand that replacements for the Vista and Vantage are in order soon as those models are long in the tooth, and that it is natural to maybe fit another model into the price range between the Vantage and Spire. I am much more interested in knowing whether there are any new models planned at the higher end, say above the Spire. Anything between the Spire and the Summit X or between the Summit X and the CLX in your three year plan? I understand if you are limited in your ability to divulge any of this information at this time.
5. Is there R&D work going toward improving the CLX (i.e. a CLX i model) and/or coming up with other full-range ESL (i.e. non-hybrid) panel speaker models? Any work going toward making a full-range ESL model with a smaller footprint than the CLX, or with deeper bass response than the CLX, or both (We can dream, right?)?
The Ethos won't be a replacement for the Vista/Vantage, but fall somewhere between Vantage and Spire.
Even if I wanted to, I can't say one way or another on the rest of these questions. But a question for you, what type of product, and what features, would you want to see in a product between the Spire/Summit X/CLX?
6. Is there a plan to shut down the Lawrence facility within the next three to five years, or will you continue to maintain R&D, customer service, and distribution from that facility?
No. Everything else remains in Kansas. Good thing, cause I just moved here in August from Maryland! Needless to say, I wouldn't be too happy about that.
I hope that answered your questions, that's as best I can do!