I have to disagree with your assessment of the "inherent bias" of these interviews.
Are you speaking in general or about the two specific interviews?
The Obama/Gibson interview was a text book puff piece. How's the family?
How do you feel? You didn't look happy? The ommission of all policy-related
topics was glaring. Barf.
The bias against Palin was actually worse than my first impression. ABC heavily
edited the original video, which seems highly unethical to me. Here is the
full transcript...
Obviously, Gibson's two interviews are nothing more than an anecdotal
example of bias. In contrasting the two interviews, I wasn't making a case
for widespread media bias, just Gibson's in these specific cases.
That said, I strongly believe the
public's perception of a leftist bias is
well-founded, though difficult to prove emperically.
Tell me, do you think Palin will be brave enough to appear on the O'Reilly Factor?
Brave? She's from Alaska, dude. She hunts moose and has five kids. A reporter
would have to draw a gun just to make her raise an eyebrow.
I also fully expect O'Reilly to show positive bias towards Palin. O'Reilly is a
hypocritical, sensationalist hack, and I apologize to hack journalists for insulting
their creed. But his current meal-ticket is posing as an outraged right-winger,
so he'd give Palin or McCain a puff piece.
By the way, Obama came across
better on O'Reilly than on Gibson because
it wasn't nauseating ass-kissery. You can't look commanding and
compentent while playing slow pitch.
Continuing the sports metaphore, Palin was called up from the minors
and hit a decent single her first time at the plate. She wasn't facing
Nolan Ryan, but she also didn't bunt or strike out. You go girl.
Wright is a pastor, for Chrissakes. Who cares what he has to say or what Obama has to say about him?
You cannot... possibly... be serious.
This creep didn't just say a few racist things. Indeed, who would care?
Besides the church members, of course. Assuming they aren't racist
hypocrites. Which apparently, they are.
Now if you substitute the word "white" each time "black" appears in the
Trinity United Church of Christ "Black Value System" (now removed from their
web site), the result is a KKK rally speech. Every member, including Obama
and his wife, are tainted by association with those values.
Wright was Obama's pastor for twenty effin' years! Wright baptised
his children! He attended that church 20 years and only left due to political
manuevering. Obama either agrees with Wright's philosophy and is racist,
or he attended as a cynical bid to distance himself from his white family
in Hawaii and establish credibility as a minority in Chicago.
When I was about 17, the Southern Baptist church my family attended my
entire life self-destructed. The young, new pastor had scheduled a gospel
group to give a special concert. The group was somewhat famous, so the entire
congregation was very excited. Or so we thought. The singers were black,
and a few racist dinosaurs were outraged over the invitation. So the
old codgers tried to get the pastor fired for other reasons via church politics.
The racist aspect was eventually exposed, so my family plus 75% of the
church voted with their feet.
We couldn't stomach being around racists for any length of time,
much less 20 years.
I never cared for Trent Lott, but I'll never forget that he was forced to step down
as Senate majority leader because of one innocent, off-hand comment. He was
trying to compliment an old, racist Democrat Senator at his reitrement party. The
media and Dems did backflips to mis-characterize the incident, ignore the fact
it was all about a Democrat's racism, and make a huge stink over nothing.
Lott made the double mistake of apologizing, but nothing less than his
resignation was acceptable.
Yet fraternizing with racist scum like Wright's church is okay for a
Presidential candidate.
...since this was her first interview with the media, it makes
perfect since that Gibson would focus on her experience and her understanding of
international affairs. Obama has already been much vetted in those areas...
When was Obama vetted on foreign affairs? I missed that memo. Was it when
insulted Pakistan by stating he might send troops
across their border to
hunt down terrorists? No, it must have been when he arrogantly tried to use
Germany's Brandenburg Gate as a backdrop for a campaign stop. Perhaps it
was less than a month ago when
Obama called for the UN Security Council
to draw up a resolution condeming Russia for invading Georgia, forgetting
not only that the UN is a colossal waste of time, but that Russia has a veto
on the UN Security Council.