Gordon Gray
Well-known member
Hi Bernard,
The membership on this site is quite small as I stated on page 11 of the other thread seen below.I would say the vast number of ML members don't belong to our site here when you compare the membership on other sites. However if word of this panel increase ever got into the forum section ofwww. audiogon.com, Audioaficondo,.audioassylum[/url], Canuck audio mart , etc, ML sales would plummit, so would any resale value of your current speakers.Once word gets out to the big sites, it's a done deal.
From page 11 of the other thread
I think it would be a mistake for Martin Logan to ignore our concerns.We are members on other audio sites which have a much greater membership than this site, they also have forum topic sctions. www.audioaficiondo.com has 60,000 members, www.canuckaudiomart.com has 41,500.www.audiogon has a huge membership as well as www.audioassylum. Our little community here has just over 2000 members.
Given the small size of this niche in audio, the word will definitely get out.
The only question is when.