Come on Rich be serious. Obama and the Democrats had complete control of power for a few years and only ran the country deeper in debt. It seems like Democrats forget that little fact quite often.
Disagree. Unless you have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, you have no control of anything. Republicans seem to forget that there have been double the number of filibusters mounted in the last four years than in the previous term.
I could just as easily turn the tables and say that Bush had the Presidency and both houses for SIX of his eight years and what did the republicans accomplish? What did they do to reduce spending, reduce the debt, and boost the economy? Oh, that's right. They increased spending, increased the size of government, and increased the debt. They also had two recessions in eight years, the second of which has been the worst since the Great Depression. How are those tax cuts for the wealthy workin' out for ya? Have those job creators been working overtime with all that extra cash in their pockets? Nope, they are just stashing it in Swiss bank accounts and the Cayman islands, just like Romney. And you guys are falling for their BS hook, line, and sinker.
Obama had the super majority for the first 2 years'All he did was push Obama care'nothing tp create jobs.
First of all, you need to look up Supermajority, as you seem to have no clue what the term means. They had a slim majority in both houses, but had no ability to break filibusters in the Senate (needs a true supermajority, aka 60 votes), so no ability to strong-arm anything through. Second, I think you are forgetting the Stimulus package, opposed by republicans, that Obama pushed through, and that probably kept us from teetering over the edge into a true long-term depression. I do agree that the timing of the health care initiative wasn't the best, but if they wanted to get it done, they needed to do it while they did have slim majorities, given the way the republicans stone-walled health care reform during Clinton's term. Had the republicans worked with the democrats, instead of taking a purely obstructionist stance, they could have developed a much better plan than we ended up with. It is laughable that the this plan is almost identical to plans pushed by both Nixon and Romney, yet the republicans are trying to paint it as some socialist communist plot to destroy America, and you rubes are completely falling for that hogwash instead of actually looking at the plan and looking at the history and actually thinking for yourselves.
It's real simple really' If your the 50% and growing who do not work or want to and want Obama to take care of you at the expense of those who do work'then you vote Democrat. If you injoy working and not depend on the goverment the you vote Republican.
Is is that simple? Really? Then I must be an anomaly, having retired early and living off my own wealth and still voting democrat. Plenty of my friends who work hard at their jobs just to scrape by also vote democrat. What you propose in that sentence is pure idiocy. I think you meant to say: if you have a soul you vote democrat. If you are selfish, amoral, and have no soul, then you vote republican. That logic makes about as much sense as the logic you used. Fifty percent who aren't working? How do you come up with that number? You including all the retired baby boomers living off of social security that they paid into their whole lives?
But be carefull what you wish for'Because one day soon and it is coming those who work will finally stop also and lets see what happens then.It really is that simple.Bob
Blah, Blah, Blah. We have been hearing doomsday crap like that for ages. They said the same thing about racial integration. Yes, I am sure all these people who actually have jobs are just going to quit working because they don't want to pay any taxes to support roads, bridges, schools, and helping the poor and infirm to eat and have basic medical care. Give me a break! You need to quit reading Ayn Rand and start living in the real world.