CLX odyssey begins.... now!

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So I have been complaining about my small room and not getting the proper depth/stage. I decided what the hell and pushed my CLX just about against the sidewalls and holy crap! the stage and depth are now way bigger. I hesitated to do this becuase I thought that no side room would be dentrimental to the sound, but it seems to work in my the moment....

That's great Necro... and it does make sense. The figure-8 (ish) radiation pattern of these speakers helps to reduce direct off-axis (90 degree) dispersion. Welcome to the soundstage :) ... so what are you listening to?
yea, im pretty damn happy right now :) listening to Patricia Barber, Pink Floyd and Megadeth. yea!
1 Year anniverssary!? Todd is it really one year already?
Hey guys! Todd, yes im so tired of these speakers. cant wait to rid of them...ha! Loving them more and more. Ive added a PS Audio PPP, huge difference! Also selling my MBL amps, put money on the New Ampzilla MKII. yea! fun fun.
Hey guys! Todd, yes im so tired of these speakers. cant wait to rid of them...ha! Loving them more and more. Ive added a PS Audio PPP, huge difference! Also selling my MBL amps, put money on the New Ampzilla MKII. yea! fun fun.

Wow... out with the MBLs? What made you decide to trade those out for the 'Zilla?

Glad you like the PPP. I like mine too. Really does a number on incoming line noise.

Any other room or system changes worth reporting?
yea, honestly if I could afford it I would keep both sets of amps, and if another 2 months goes by with no sale, then I will have both amp sets. I like switching gear, its fun to me but more importantly I have found that the MBL in my current system really really sound good but have a bit of edge compared to other amps I have had in here (via friends) so that prompted me to start messing around. had my AMR upgraded with a new transport, new speaker cables from Morrow, I now have my PC hooked up to the AMR DAC with a AudioQuest cinnamon USB cable, sounds damn good! I might grab a Tube DAC to try and get the 24/192 format since my AMR can only up sample to that level. So, how about you? PS, anyone interested in the MBL will get a good deal from me, if they inquire :)
yea, honestly if I could afford it I would keep both sets of amps, and if another 2 months goes by with no sale, then I will have both amp sets. I like switching gear, its fun to me but more importantly I have found that the MBL in my current system really really sound good but have a bit of edge compared to other amps I have had in here (via friends) so that prompted me to start messing around. had my AMR upgraded with a new transport, new speaker cables from Morrow, I now have my PC hooked up to the AMR DAC with a AudioQuest cinnamon USB cable, sounds damn good! I might grab a Tube DAC to try and get the 24/192 format since my AMR can only up sample to that level. So, how about you? PS, anyone interested in the MBL will get a good deal from me, if they inquire :)

Awesome Pete! To answer your question, I haven't really made any changes to my rig since adding the ModWright amps... haven't felt the urge or need. I have thought a little about trying some solid core silver speaker cables... there are a couple of outfits that sell the materials so you can make your own... I was thinking of giving that a whirl... but no major gear changes. Lots of listening though (when I'm home, which has been not so much lately - work has me on the road / in the air more than I'd like). Cheers and keep us posted on your impressions with the new amp - and enjoy that USB DAC... really opens up a whole new world wrt song selection, doesn't it? :)
Considering a system change - What would you do?

Hi All,

I miss my tubes and I'm contemplating replacing my W4S DAC2 (which I currently use as a pre-amp) with a traditional tube pre. I've been talking to some folks, dealers and friends, and given that I run ModWright monoblocks right now, it would seem reasonably synergistic to consider an MW pre as well. I spoke to Galen Carol (whom I find to be extremely responsive, knowledgable, and an all around great guy) and asked him about MW's LS36.5. His response was that, at significantly lower cost, the LS100 was actually garnering better feedback from tube lovers versus the LS36.5.

I found a black LS100 on Agon (the now detestable Agon) for a large discount off retail and I'm thinking about pulling the trigger.

It's not that I don't think the DAC2 is an excellent piece of equipment, it's just that I gots me that tube itch (hmmm, perhaps not the best way to describe it - but you know what I mean... hopefully). Also, I won't sell the DAC2 right away either. I'll make some comparisons with it in and out of the system (driving the new tube preamp)... and see, or rather hear what's what.

So what do you extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and inherently helpful people all think? Should I pony up the clams and give it a go... or clam up and enjoy the current vacuumless, all-sand signal path...hmmmmm?

Appreciate any all comments (well, the friendly helpful ones anyway ;))
"...advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill."

But, since you asked,

* Never get involved in a land war in Asia

* Whenever possible, listen to a piece of gear in your system before buying
I have a LS100 w/phono and LOVE it! I've owned it for almost a year now and it continues to impress me every day. It really needs a better 5AR4 (GZ34) and 6SN7's to perform at it's best. It also takes a MASSIVE amount of time to break-in. I've owned hundreds of different preamps and this is one of my favorites. I have it paired with a Sanders ESL amp into my CLSIIAs. My highest recommendation. :p
"...advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill."

But, since you asked,

* Never get involved in a land war in Asia

* Whenever possible, listen to a piece of gear in your system before buying

Thanks Ken... I knew I could count on you for sage advice (er, non-advice ? ;) )

If I pull the trigger on the used one, and then decide "it must go", I don't think I'd take much of a bath reselling it based on the number of LS100 transactions on 'gon.

Hey Fox,

Really great to hear from a current owner. And I had wondered what the tube-roll vector was for this pre. I may ping you more on that. As for break-in, the seller claims it's been in his system for about 3 months, so there's a partial leg up on break-in. I do like that aspect of buying used. Can you quantfy "massive" for me in terms of hours? Also, have you really owned hundreds of diff pre-amps? That's amazing and your pre-amp advice credentials are redlining :)

Thanks again!

The first question I ask myself when contemplating a new piece of gear is:

What do I find lacking in my current setup?

The followups to the above are:

What are my expectations and will this new piece meet and / or exceed those expectations?

If you can't definitively answer those two questions, I would hold off until you can. Maybe you just want to scratch an itch that, if ignored, will go away.

Good luck.


The first question I ask myself when contemplating a new piece of gear is:

What do I find lacking in my current setup?

The followups to the above are:

What are my expectations and will this new piece meet and / or exceed those expectations?

If you can't definitively answer those two questions, I would hold off until you can. Maybe you just want to scratch an itch that, if ignored, will go away.

Good luck.


More sage advice. Thanks Gordon.

I think what might be lacking (a little) in my current setup is that sweetness I got in spades back when I had the Prima Luna monoblocks and pre-amp. While the MW monoblocks I own have actually been designed to somewhat mimic certain tube amplification attributes, and I really can't complain about how they perform in terms of accuracy and power, I *think* I still yearn for more "tubiness". That said, seems a well regarded tube pre might provide some of what I crave... or it might drive me completely insane. A risk I'm willing to take :)

Are these definitive answers? I would ask is anything truly definitive in this wildly subjective high-end audio pool we all like to splash around in?
Thanks Ken... I knew I could count on you for sage advice (er, non-advice ? ;) )
mea culpa

If you take this road and you're looking for the best GZ34 ever made, I have three NOS metal base I purchased for my MW and that's probably 2 more than I'll ever use. Just let me know.
mea culpa

If you take this road and you're looking for the best GZ34 ever made, I have three NOS metal base I purchased for my MW and that's probably 2 more than I'll ever use. Just let me know.

Thanks very much! How would I be able to live with anything other than the best ever made? :)

Why not try a "warmer" cable between your pre and your amps?

Could get you where you want to be for alot less money.
