CLX odyssey begins.... now!

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BTW, I did a quick post search and found some pics (a few months old now) of your setup. The stack CCs are unlike anything I've ever seen, beyond cool :)

I was hoping those old pics had slipped into ancient history. I was working on the set up and it was a mess. Anyway, the 4 banger center array is fun. I use it generally for movies. I put that together when I had the Prodigy's for mains. I don't think ML has a center that keeps up with the CLX's. So I contacted them about constructing a new center by cutting a single CLX. They were very helpful and spent some time on the concept. Ultimately, it was a no go. So for now I will continue with my "Master 4 Theater". If your curious, ML does not currently have a center bigger than the stage in the works. If I get time I will post my system before the end of the year.

Gary, In another thread Angela mentioned that Roger Sanders has a new electrostatic center channel in the works that actually uses two speakers mounted on either side of the screen to create a stereo image in the middle of the screen (where such audio information should be emanating from). Not sure if it would be useful to you, but figured I would mention it given your efforts to find a center that would mate with the CLX's.
Hey Todd,

Well it looks like I might actually get the new ones by years end! If all goes well with the ML Elves and shipping.

Wow after seeing that pic of the of the CLX boxes, it blows my mind that some one could actually damage them so bad!
My sub should be in next week, got the Depth-i with the CLX filter.
Any more word on your ETA?
Hey Todd,

Well it looks like I might actually get the new ones by years end! If all goes well with the ML Elves and shipping.

Wow after seeing that pic of the of the CLX boxes, it blows my mind that some one could actually damage them so bad!
My sub should be in next week, got the Depth-i with the CLX filter.
Any more word on your ETA?

Hi Pete,

I'm keeping my fingers, toes, and other unnamed appendages crossed in hopes that your speakers arrive by EOY, unscathed and achingly beautiful. Wouldn't that be a refreshing change of pace?

I sent a rather terse e-inquiry to my dealer last night, no word yet... but he's done this before where he goes quiet and then suddenly I hear a back-up beeper as a truck pulls into the drive. The only reason I stick with him, not unlike some weak willed black-eyed spouse with large fashion sunglasses, is because i love his pricing... it is un-effing-beatable. Though I'm starting to wonder if the savings really justify the incessant incredulity in delays, etc.

If they're not here by Tuesday, I'll be contacting the supreme court... and I'll get all-up-in their robes if they don't issue swift justice in my favor. Either that, or I'll call my dealer again. Now let us bow our heads in prayer that thine shall be done:angel:
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You are one funny dude :) Pete and I are in Ct. so some day maybe we can meet up as your not that far away unless your near the Canadian border!
Pete, they are still cardboard boxes for shipping so they still damage easily with morons moving them.

You are one funny dude :) Pete and I are in Ct. so some day maybe we can meet up as your not that far away unless your near the Canadian border!
Pete, they are still cardboard boxes for shipping so they still damage easily with morons moving them.


Hi Bob,

Funny ha ha, or funny like a criminally insane army psychiatric patient off his meds? Let's assume the former, and if so, I am genuinely pleased to have brightened your day in some small way :)

Yes, no, I'm nowhere near the Canadian border (Maine's a big state) though I do have some good friends in Ottawa (actually, they're hosers - no, not really - well, maybe a little) and I'm quite fond of that entire country, truly. I live near Portland which is only about 1.5 hours from Boston, so a rendezvous at some point sounds like fun. And since Maine's motto is "Vacationland", if either of you guys or anyone else in MLC is planning to venture near these "pahhts" (gotta insert a little native down-east accent, it's required by Maine State law when posting to an international forum)... where was I?... oh, so if you guys happen to be headed north on I95, don't hesitate to let me know. We'll have a clam-bake, or get some lobstah, or hit a moose on the highway or somethin' to remember your visit by... ayuh, that's f'shore.

Have a great weekend!


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Hi Bob,

Funny ha ha, or funny like a criminally insane army psychiatric patient off his meds? Let's assume the former, and if so, I am genuinely pleased to have brightened your day in some small way :)

Yes, no, I'm nowhere near the Canadian border (Maine's a big state) though I do have some good friends in Ottawa (actually, they're hosers - no, not really - well, maybe a little) and I'm quite fond of that entire country, truly. I live near Portland which is only about 1.5 hours from Boston, so a rendezvous at some point sounds like fun. And since Maine's motto is "Vacationland", if either of you guys or anyone else in MLC is planning to venture near these "pahhts" (gotta insert a little native down-east accent, it's required by Maine State law when posting to an international forum)... where was I?... oh, so if you guys happen to be headed north on I95, don't hesitate to let me know. We'll have a clam-bake, or get some lobstah, or hit a moose on the highway or somethin' to remember your visit by... ayuh, that's f'shore.

Have a great weekend!

You had me laughing my a#s off:ROFL:
That day will come as Pete and I would realy enjoy that.

Ha! this has been a very amusing and disturbing thread. All good in the end.
Well to add insult to injury, I drove my Wife to the store, picked up her new 42" Spare Plasma Christmas present then went to my work Christmas party, got nice and drunk, she drove home and we just opened the new TV. Well wouldn’t you know that the entire right side of the TV is shattered! yes! I was hoping this was going to be case and actually anticipated it. I really wish a Northern (main) Moose ran into my car, caused the TV to fly out the back and shatter on a box of smashed CLX! that would have been so much better! ;)
since Maine's motto is "Vacationland", if either of you guys or anyone else in MLC is planning to venture near these "pahhts"!

Todd, I can attest to Maines moniker as 'Vacationland', I've been going there for 19 years now, can you tell from where this pic was taken ??


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Todd, I can attest to Maines moniker as 'Vacationland', I've been going there for 19 years now, can you tell from where this pic was taken ??

Hi Dave,

Nice photo. Jeeeze, I'd have to guess maybe Rangley given it's snowsled mecca status and rolling hills, but I honestly don't recognize that large white building. I suppose there's an off-chance it could be either Sebago or Moosehead, but Rangley would be my first thought. Like I said, Maine's a big state... and there are many, many lake vistas similar to this.

The temptation to try and match/locate that scene with Google Maps Satellite view is high, but I... am... fighting... the... urge!

Do you own/haul or rent your sleds?

Ha! this has been a very amusing and disturbing thread. All good in the end.
Well to add insult to injury, I drove my Wife to the store, picked up her new 42" Spare Plasma Christmas present then went to my work Christmas party, got nice and drunk, she drove home and we just opened the new TV. Well wouldn’t you know that the entire right side of the TV is shattered! yes! I was hoping this was going to be case and actually anticipated it. I really wish a Northern (main) Moose ran into my car, caused the TV to fly out the back and shatter on a box of smashed CLX! that would have been so much better! ;)

Jumped up Jehosaphat!!! Pete, what the heck is going on with the crushing and the mangling and the pulverizing of your just-barely-acquired high tech treasures? Next thing you're gonna say is you woke up, went outside, and discovered a car-sized chunck of blue "ice" sitting on top of an unreconizable tangle of metal and rubber in your driveway... a crumpled heap with colors reminisent of your prized and painstakingly assembled hot-rod. OK, maybe not... but I wouldn't be surprised.

On the upside, the law of averages should, on average, be taking over any time now from the laws of that other fate-tweaking wildman, Murphy.

BTW, Plasma is the right choice and don't let anyone tell you differently ;)
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. I suppose there's an off-chance it could be either Sebago or Moosehead, but Rangley would be my first thought.

It is the mighty Moosehead Lake, mid point, half way up the east slope of Kineo, across the lake from Rockwood.

Like I said, Maine's a big state... and there are many, many lake vistas similar to this.

while true none hold a candle to Moosehead Lake

Do you own/haul or rent your sleds?

Yeah, I've been trailering my gear to Moosehead as well as up north in the 'County' for a long time. I've got a condo that I've been renting since '93 down in Greenville Jct.
It is the mighty Moosehead Lake, mid point, half way up the east slope of Kineo, across the lake from Rockwood.

Nice! We don't make it up to Moosehead too often but, somewhat coincidentally, we rented "The Eagle's Nest" - replete with kid-dazzling (and mom worrying) 8-story stone observation tower back about 8 summers ago. It has stunning views of Mt Kineo from the Rockport shore. However, we never trekked up Kineo... Damn! If I had just thought to myself back then: "You know Todd, there's a high probability you'll participate in an electrostatic speaker online forum years from now and someone may ask about views from Mt Kineo. You'd be wise to go up there and survey accordingly, just in case". Oh well... 20/20 hindsight.

The main reason we no longer make that trek is because I bought a place on Thompson Lake (about 45min from Portland)... I razed the old structure and built the one in the pic which we've been enjoying massively since 2006 - basking in it's pine-scented campiness (snnniiifffff - aaaaaaahh). That's my youngest daughter in the first pic, but now she's a teen, which means now I'm spending most evenings perusing glossy brochures on various assisted living communities around town. There's this one with 24-hour massage!

BTW, Thompson Lake holds the Maine State record for largest smallmouth bass ever harvested... just thought I'd throw that in there as a fun-fish-fact for any online-anglers.

Well, gotta get back to loading more FLAC files into the ol' Olive music server. A "TSV recommended" component BTW!



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Beautiful family and place Todd!
Wish my kids were still that age as they semi listened to what I said back then:). Now they are 37 and 33 and I think back to that old expression about why animals eat their young :).
I am sure Pete will chime in when reading this,Ha-Ha.

Beautiful family and place Todd!
Wish my kids were still that age as they semi listened to what I said back then:). Now they are 37 and 33 and I think back to that old expression about why animals eat their young :).
I am sure Pete will chime in when reading this,Ha-Ha.


Hi Bob,

Thanks for the kind comments... and good luck with those "kids" of yours :)
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the kind comments... and good luck with those "kids" of yours :)

Thanks Todd.
Thoses "kids" are great and I await the response from Necrosuit!

By the way, how far are you from Bucksport ( great people) as I have been there and also at some speedway when I brought Pete to see monsters of rock many years ago?


OK... just got a call from my dealer. Turns out the freight company who sent the CLXs to him (from ML) dropped them off and actually reclaimed the special-sized pallet to which they were strapped :wtf:

My dealer didn't want to ship the coffins on a standard square pallet for fear it would stress the panels (which seems like a reasonable concern to me). So, my guy had to search for a new pallet and, in the end, actually had to have one shipped from ML to replace the one that went missing.

So, as things stand, the new pallet won't arrive at my dealer's until later this week, and the CLXs won't make it here until most likely mid next week. Uuuuuugh! (in this case, it's the very same zero-gee "Uuuuuhg" Charlie Brown heavily exclaims immediately after Lucy yanks that damned football away for the umpteenth time). I find myself metaphorically lying on the grass, wind knocked out, looking up at the sky silently cursing the agents of misery. Where's that psychiatrist for 5 cents when you really need her?

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