Busted watching video but not out of the game
I can see how people could get into trouble with the bass ribbons though I think with some patience, making the proper jigs and proper work area set up I would give it a try. Though there is much more I need to learn before making the commitment.
Now as for step #1 of making the commitment and WAF.
I was sitting in our office last night watching the videos you had posted the link to. I think I was up to video #5 before my wife stopped on her way back from the copier and asked what I was watching.
So, I figured I may as well throw it out and see if I end up with any black and blue marks. I said, "I'm watching some videos on how to rebuild the next set of speakers I want to buy." Trying not to look scared.
She stared at me for a moment with what I am sure was a thought like "Over my dead body your getting and rebuilding more speakers right now ". But only said "You do remember you have a list of things to finish on the house?
To which I said " I would only start looking to purchase a pair in bad shape I can rebuild later".
With no descent to that comment, I believe the male interpretation of that would to be "Sure honey, if that is what you want to do, just get your other work done first".
What do you think, isn't that sort of what she said?
I promise I won't bring up any of your names at the divorce proceedings.
Here's some help, a series of re-ribbon videos for Calipers: https://www.youtube.com/user/minsky57/videos?flow=grid&view=0.
Recommend you do all the work apart from the re-ribboning, as you may find it difficult to get bass panels anyway. Graz isn't keen on anyone doing that by themselves due to so much trouble in the early days. Basically supplying bass ribbons to clueless people who thought they could do it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth.
I can see how people could get into trouble with the bass ribbons though I think with some patience, making the proper jigs and proper work area set up I would give it a try. Though there is much more I need to learn before making the commitment.
Now as for step #1 of making the commitment and WAF.
I was sitting in our office last night watching the videos you had posted the link to. I think I was up to video #5 before my wife stopped on her way back from the copier and asked what I was watching.
So, I figured I may as well throw it out and see if I end up with any black and blue marks. I said, "I'm watching some videos on how to rebuild the next set of speakers I want to buy." Trying not to look scared.
She stared at me for a moment with what I am sure was a thought like "Over my dead body your getting and rebuilding more speakers right now ". But only said "You do remember you have a list of things to finish on the house?
To which I said " I would only start looking to purchase a pair in bad shape I can rebuild later".
With no descent to that comment, I believe the male interpretation of that would to be "Sure honey, if that is what you want to do, just get your other work done first".
What do you think, isn't that sort of what she said?