Given the current political environment, the likelihood of this occurring is next to nil.
so long as the likes of Dianne Feinstein have a say I remain leery Gordon.
In my view the NRA, along with their ardent supporters, do themselves more harm than good by accepting this as a reality and not being pro-active to eliminate the availability of assault weapons / accessories to the general public.
again, while I agree with you here for the most part there are exceptions, legal ownership of such weapons and cooresponding competitive events that they are used in. Remember what I said earlier about anti-gun people having little to no knowledge about firearms..........well if I could find the statement made by Ms Feinstein some time ago when she catagorized all semi-automatic weapons as 'assault weapons' you would understand, albeit somewhat, the NRA's position. BTW, I utlize a 'semi-automatic weapon' quite Benelli super sport 12 ga shotgun that I love to obliterate clay pigeons with !
In the end I pray for common sense to pervail....but as you stated, "given the current political enviroment, the likelihood is nil"
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