homage a CLS
If I were going to 'reintroduce' the CLS, it could be, as someone mentioned, a CLS III; a further evolved CLS IIz. I think I would frown on an entirely new design approach that simply 'referenced' the original CLS line in its name. The CLS line, as it was when production stopped in 1995(?) remains a solid contender in today's market. Basically, power up the ol' assembly line and let 'er rip!! OK, I admit it would be foolish not to make a few changes first:
1. Update the CLS's so called 'full-range' panel and make it a true full range panel (like the SoundLab) using the high-tech fabrication techniques and tighter tolerances now employed to make the Summit/Vantage/Vista panels. Doing so would enable the panels to be a bit smaller yet with full bass output.
2. Then give the electroncs module a similar high-tech makeover. Voltages could be increased, with better parts quality throughout: transformers, capacitors, wiring, binding posts. Maybe include (or at least make available) an integral stand, which the panels so desperately need, IMO.
The reason the top model SoundLab just keeps gertting bigger and bigger is because their electostatic elements have not been improved significantly since day #1. So to squeeze more performance out of them, they have to keep adding more and more little elements.
ML took a different approach. They improved on their original design by stretching the diaphragm tighter, reducing the gap between the stators, and strengthening the panel frame -- all very important improvements! It seems to me that applying these improvements to a single membrane, full range electrostatic panel would be the realization of a dream. (Even the Statement, in its present form, still requires a subwoofer!)
The CLS panel is one of those rare expressions of a pure technology -- of 'form follows function' as Frank Lloyd Wright used to say. I say tune it up, dial it in, and let it be. "Great art only happens if you know when to stop!"