And the "buzzword marketing" stuff is a little annoying to us "veterans". I'm sure that to someone who is new to electrostatics, their website is full of dazzling information, with all sorts of proprietary technology etc. but to those of us who know and love ESL's, and understand the technologies, it gets a little old...
I agree. Dropping the marketing terms for the ESL line would probably be a good idea. At this level, they aren't generally selling to a bunch of fools - more like a group of serious audiophiles who are pretty clued up. Why do I think they will not do so, though?
This is pretty interesting. Many here use room treatments to dampen the rear wave, but no one has ever raised the fact that ML present it as an enhancement.
Long quote time:
"True dipole speakers, such as electrostatic panels, have long been noted for their near-ideal radiation patterns. They send very little sound to the sides, thereby minimizing side-wall reflections with short arrival times that tend to interfere with perception of the direct sound. Their strong rear radiation, however, produces a generous amount of ambience-enriching later-arriving reflections off the wall behind them."
However, Soundlab do not think it's always a good thing, and actually manufacture a rear wave damper.
I also love this ESL explanation. It's brilliant - really concise - and no BS! I guess I'm more BS allergic than most because I am an engineer, and a large proportion of my work requires me to have BS detectors on at absolute max - otherwise people can (many hundreds, in fact), quite simply, die if the job isn't done properly overall. Things relax a bit when posting on MLOC, though
And the Soundlab FAQ is very good, too.
So overall, I find the Soundlab website massively quicker, better written, relatively BS free, more direct, more truthful, and more informative. But a lot less glam.
ML's UK site still thinks the Summit is a current model, and has Summit X pages too. Keep it up-to-date, kids!
I agree with the photo comments - and had to take the pee of the Summit X on another thread...
And to those who say "I am not qualified to comment because I am not a web designer" I say noooooooo....
It's the web designer's job to satisfy the end user. The designer may think it's great (and probably does), but if the end users don't think so, he has, quite simply, failed.
But putting it all into context, I have seen far worse web sites. But I do get the feeling of having to "wrestle" with the ML one a bit.
Adam - not sure but that room does look familiar. Sure he was a member, but couldn't find the system and gave up after a while... maybe he moved onto Summits or something...