Vista serial numbers don't match

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Aug 2, 2008
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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this site. I just brought home a pair of Vitsa, however, the serial numbers on the two boxes don't pair with each other. Should I be concerned with this issue? any sonic discrepancy between them? Does any of the members in this forum has had the same situation as mine? Should I bring one of the speaker back to the dealer & exchange for the one that pairs with each other since I have not opened either one of them.

I've followed this forum for many months and really appreciate all the info.
thanks in advance for your responds

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If both are brand new it will not matter because both speakers will break in the same. If they are used then it is possible each could sound different only because you don't know the history.
That really makes me feel better, Cherian
These are my first ML speakers and they're brand new. I still haven't taken the speakers out of the boxes yet.

STOP! Don't take them out of their boxes.

They are supposed to come in matched pairs. You should have sequential numbers. As Cherian said - be wary if you have bought them second hand. What do you think others will think when you sell them second-hand? That means you'll get reduced value.

They're supposed to come in pairs - make sure you get a sequential pair.
I bought this pair from Tweeter and it took them two weeks to get these speakers delivered to the dealer. I noticed one box has a crush on the top corner, could this cause any minor damage to the speaker inside. Am I too picky! I just sent an email to Jim Power regarding the serial number issue. I'm thinking of bringing one of the speaker back for exchange.
If a speaker is damaged in anyway I would take them back. You paid good money for new speakers and you should be happy. Take them back and get a new pair I say. I know it sucks to havr to wait. Maybe Tweeter will let you keep them till the new ones come.

Good luck.
Thanks again for your responds, Cherian,

I'm at the crossroad right now. Can anyone tell me if these are new speakers, should I be happy and get over with S/N issue. I know that I've asked some really sillly questions, but I paid a lot money for these speakers and they're my first hight-end speakers so I think I should feel comfortable with my purchase. any opinion/advice that help me make a final decision would be really appreciated.
I'm at the crossroad right now. Can anyone tell me if these are new speakers, should I be happy and get over with S/N issue. I paid a lot money for these speakers and they're my first hight-end speakers so I think I should feel comfortable with my purchase. any opinion/advice that help me make a final decision would be really appreciated.

Seeing that it's Sat I suppose you won't get a resonse from Jim Powers till Monday. You could call your Tweeter store and question them, I suppose it's possible they had multiple pairs come in together and didn't pay attention, this wouldn't suprise me with Tweeter. How far off are the S/N numbers ? if it's one or two that could explain the previous sentence.

FWIW, and I know this is after the fact but if one of the boxes was damaged enough for you to be concerned you should not have left the dealer before inspecting.

With respect to worrying about re-sale....... so long as they are in fact 'new' and thus you register them with M/L (have to to get the full five year warranty) then there lies your proof / documentation.

Bottom line is YOU have to be happy, so at least some additional follow up with Teeter would be prudent , IMO

Good Luck
S/n are J070 and L056

I'll call tweeter and see what their response is.

I just called Tweeter & talked to the saleman, he told me ML does not match pair of the speakers. However, he said he would check & locate the one that pairs with one of the s/n I have. Waiting for his call now.

Regarding the Box damage, it's just a minor crinkle and couple of small open cuts on the side of both boxes..
When we toured the ML factory, they showed us how all speakers get frequency response tested in their anechoic chamber, to ensure each individual unit meets the reference spec. That being said, I still think they are shipped with consecutive serial numbers, so it's likely Tweeter just randomly pulled two from their warehouse. The sound shouldn't suffer, but if you paid retail, you deserve to have a pair, if for no other reason than to help resale value. My Summits (and previous Aerius i's) have consecutive numbers.
Thanks again for your responds, Cherian,

I'm at the crossroad right now. Can anyone tell me if these are new speakers, should I be happy and get over with S/N issue. I know that I've asked some really sillly questions, but I paid a lot money for these speakers and they're my first hight-end speakers so I think I should feel comfortable with my purchase. any opinion/advice that help me make a final decision would be really appreciated.

New or otherwise, be NOT happy with an unmatched pair.

If you look on the box I think you will actually find it says words to the effect of "Pair with S/N ......"
I just noticed this so I had to check mine (Vantages) and yep they are consecutive
Serial numbers

If Jim has not e-mailed you back,please let me know.I can PM you a telephone number that is his direct line.Good luck--Scott
I've purchase pairs of Vista's and Vantages from Tweeter. Martin Logan places a label on the exterior of each box indicating the serial # of that speaker and the other speaker it is to be matched with (and yes they should be consecutive serial #'s)
I've bought two pair of (ML) speakers from Tweeters, both with consecutive S/N's.
Tweeters know this and a call to ML should get you what you should have Pronto.
BTW, the Tampa store where I bought mine offered a complete exchange on both Vistas when I went to see about the cracked plastic panel base. I said no, not neccesary and went for the replacement parts, no charge. With that kind of service in mind, you should get nothing less than matched serial #'s in undamaged boxes. You're paying top dollar for a product most consumers don't even know about, sold to people who are known to be perfectionists. Make a stink!
Thanks for all of your feedbacks and sorry that I didn't respond quickly. I did receive response from Mr Jim Power. I know many of you have the S/N pair-matched on your speakers maybe due to resale in the future, but IMO, consecutive S/N is not so important after a conversation to the ML technical representative and an explanation from Mr Jim Power. First, I do not plan on resale, second, I've heard no different in sonic quality so far and finally, both speakers look eaxactly the same including the color of the speaker exterior.
Below is the reponse from Mr. Jim Power:

Jim Power here.

My apologies for my slow response.

It is really not an issue if the SN#s don’t match with regards to the Vista. They are all tested to such a tight standard that any Vista will perfectly match any other Vista…with the exception of color. Obviously a black will look different from a dark cherry…but the will still sound exactly the same. I wouldn’t worry about it.

We do encourage our various dealers to keep them paired but I understand that some of the larger warehouses are challenged with that minor detail. It is not a big deal.

Most importantly they should look and sound good.

Happy listening!


Jim Power

Service Manager

MartinLogan LTD

TEL: 785-856-4733 (Direct Line)

TEL: 785-749-0133 (Main Line)

FAX: 785-856-4780