Very bad news

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How long did it take for the recovery?


Gordon it was about 7-8 months after his initial incident to get where he is today and that was almost 18 months ago with no relapses. I am hoping for the best for you Gordon.
Very helpful my friend.

This is the kind of info I am seeking not only for me but for others that may experience a similar situation.


Wish I had something more tangible to add, Gordon. but treatment and suggestions to date cover the angles. I shall check any other medical angles....All the best to you, thanks for all your contributions to me and this forum and keep going.... Bruce
Hey Gordon, I am sorry to read about your tinnitus problem. I'm also sorry to say I've had no related experience and so no advice which could help.:-(

My best wishes, as always.


I've been away and 'off the air' for the past five days, sorry to read of your recent troubles, hopefully they turn out to be short term. …..growing old sucks , I know !
Yes it does my friend. Such is life.

Had a direct shot of steroids in my right ear this afternoon. Being very proactive.

We shall see.

Huh. What did you say????????????????? :D

Nothing noticeable at the moment. Good news is that it doesn't seem to be getting worse at the moment, and per my ENT, is a positive sign.

Another direct needle injection in a couple of weeks.

Major frustration is lack of treatment protocol but I gather that's the state in treating this condition.

As my docs say, if there was one right approach, everyone would be doing it.

I must learn and trying to be very patient.

Thanks Doc for your concern.

How's that system sounding?


The room has received 17 GIK panels and bass traps... it sounds fantastic now... too bad I have my eyes set on some Boulder Amps. Always moving forward/....
Gordon, so sorry to hear about this and I hope you recover soon.

I also have tinnitus (but in my left ear), and other than minimizing exposure to high noise levels, I've not found much to to cure it. But it's been interesting to read the feedback in this thread.
Is this a more common problem among audiophiles than the normal population?

I assume this is more common among people who go to many concerts that are played at high volume.
Is this a more common problem among audiophiles than the normal population?

I assume this is more common among people who go to many concerts that are played at high volume.

Correct, I have mild tinnitus from playing for many years in bands, attending rock concerts and playing loud stereo music in my youth. Very sorry to hear this Gordon. There are some that believe that everything has an effect on this including diet, exercise, stress, etc. I also believe there are some direct correlations to blood pressure exacerbating tinnitus. As you are doing, take care of yourself and I hope it disappears completely. Keep a positive attitude even though I'm sure it's quite frustrating and difficult to do.
Well I also have tinnitus. It comes and goes mostly in my right ear. Not taking anything for it. From what I have read besides the annoying "ringing" or in my case more of a hiss , it does not affect your hearing other than it is there. Sometimes people have other issues which accompany it. Fortunately my hearing is still really good for my advanced age. :)

Good Luck Gordon

Disclaimer: follow your doctor's instructions and take that medicine exactly as prescribed. As a licensed physician I am not giving you medical advice or instructions, but did want to point out a couple of things. What you seem to have is called neuritis, inflammation of a nerve. The 8th cranial nerve is the one involved in hearing and balance. There are different causes for this, but it is usually self limiting. The prednisone is a steroid to reduce inflammation. If only taking it for 10 or 12 days you don't have to worry about the side effects such as cushing syndrome. Make sure you do follow the taper off procedure as it is important (you can shock your adrenal glands if you just stop the medicine cold turkey, so follow the instructions as prescribed).
I sincerely hope you are well soon.
Huh. What did you say????????????????? :D

Nothing noticeable at the moment. Good news is that it doesn't seem to be getting worse at the moment, and per my ENT, is a positive sign.

Another direct needle injection in a couple of weeks.

Major frustration is lack of treatment protocol but I gather that's the state in treating this condition.

As my docs say, if there was one right approach, everyone would be doing it.

I must learn and trying to be very patient.

Thanks Doc for your concern.

How's that system sounding?


Hi Gordon,

Best of luck for you with your hearing.

I wish you the best!
