So you read the article, which is mostly an examination of gender roles, but then took one line out of it, mis-stated the meaning of that line, and then said the entire article was about that one line (ignoring multiple paragraphs examining gender roles) in your comment to Tom? You said:
I honestly thought you hadn't read the article. Now it appears you were just being entirely disingenuous in your efforts to make Sanders look scary.
I apologize to Tom. Admittedly, I read the article when he first began to run, which is probably close to a year now. The article was stupid, his own campaign manager says it was dumb for him to write, Sanders himself has distanced himself from it and said it was poorly written. You, however, apparently find it quite appropriate. What stood out to me, after almost a year, was those first opening lines that as you said, "sets up" the article. I am a firm believer that first appearances are everything, the first appearance of this article is something most would find disturbing for someone to actually think about and put on paper. It's what stuck in my head after almost 12 months, and I stand by my conclusion that it is scary that a competitive politician actually wrote it, even in 'context'. If Donald Trump were to have written it, you can believe it would be dominating the news cycle for quite sometime, and it should.
He wrote, “Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like, 'girl 12, raped by 14 men' sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?" If I am taking that out of context, then tell me what it actually means? At first you said "some" do find it appealing. Now you are saying he meant that "humanity in general" would find articles about the gang rape of a female child to be appealing. Sorry, but I don't think so, I think most would appropriately find it quite sick. Game of Thrones does not scare me to death, I have never watched it. But if were to lead me to finding child rape is appealing to humanity in general, I think I'll pass. I guess we will need to agree to disagree on this, I won't say anymore.
Trump is scary to me, some of the things he has said has made me cringe. The lies he has told scare me. He's changed almost everyone of his positions fairly recently, I think he might still be a democrat! I want an honest politician after the current one. Bernie scares me, I think we have seen enough of what far left liberal policies have done to states and cities here in the US to try to take our whole country in the same direction. His writing about child rape being appealing makes me wonder what the heck goes through his mind, and yes, I find it scary and I stick by it. I will say he is honest. But I am nowhere near him in my political views on the economy. The fact that Hillary thinks it would be appropriate to sue gun makers for a criminals wrongful act scares me. The fact that she would have thought taking out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, without much of a plan for what would occur afterwards, and with the hindsight of what occurred in Iraq when we did the same, scares me. The fact that she seems to be able to tell lies just as well as Trump scares me. She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, despite the fact that he had not done a thing before she was born. The fact that she survived sniper fire, which was verifiably false. The fact that she would even allow the appearance of, and in my mind probably did, give special considerations by the State Department to donors to the Clinton Foundation scares me. Does she really think servers get wiped clean with a cloth? Did she really delete 30,000 emails about yoga routines and wedding plans, but never once dealt with classified emails as part of her job as Secretary of State? These are just some the "accomplishments" that first come to my mind during her tenure as a politician.
Bernie, Trump or Hillary pick your poison. I'm disgusted, I find them all to be pretty unpalatable. You choose your kool-aid, I'll take a chance with mine. Good luck.