Summits / Stage / Passage / Descent.... A Totally Awesome Combination...
Hi Robin,
So sorry for not responding earlier - I missed visiting this thread after posting.
My ML system -
Front - Summits
Centre - Stage
Surround - Passage
LFE - Descent
all driven by Classe and Marantz gears in a room 23'x16'x9' (converted from 2 bedrooms) I thought I was the crazy one on DVDs - 650 pieces and counting - till I saw yours. Now I feel quite normal having found a like-minded being.
I still can't get over your flying Scripts - you've got amazing ideas! Real cool.
Thanks again for the kind words. Your system driven by Classe and Marantz electronics must be wonderful and totally awesome to listen to...

It is my hope that someday soon you will post your system here at the ML Club. Personally, I would love to see your system as well as read more about your audio experiences. I don't think, I have ever seen a set-up with your particular combination of ML speakers together with your specific Classe / Marantz electronics. Anyway, I would encourage you to post someday, as I think we would all enjoy your system.
I know I've probably said this before, in one form or another but I just love how my small, near field HT system sounds. Sure, it could be soooo much better... Still to my ears - I am in Sonic Nirvana... I guess, I am feeling a bit reflective because it's Thanksgiving Day... But I am very thankful for my system and my lovely ML speakers. I look at it this way, I am sooo enthralled by the marvelous musical sounds my ML speakers reveal, that I am aspiring for more so much more ~ Joeyitis ~ in a pure two (maybe three) channel ~ Music listening only audio system... It may take me five years to complete, given the expensive nature of even used, 'Audiogon' High-End audiophile electronic gear, I dream of... As audiophiles, what we do in the name of truly beautifully astounding, spine tingling, inspiration-ally magical sounds, for our ears is really the driving factor in this wonderful hobby / way of life, of ours...
I am always amazed by how folks make new discoveries and innovations through combining different components / electronic gear to form their own uniquely wonderful sounds, for their ears... Maybe that's what makes our fascination with all things audio so interesting to us because we are forever discovering new ideas, auditioning, listening / hearing new audio information, which dazzles / tickles our audiophile imagination.
Ben your ideas of combining the unique components, which make-up your system are inspiring to me. And I'll tell you why, I think its because I have never encountered or considered the integration of a system such as yours. Your system gets me thinking. Your system sparks my curiosity. It makes me want to see it and read your descriptions of the sounds you hear, from your totally unique sound / audio perspective. I want to know all about it...

Your thoughts and ideas are valuable because whether I understand or not, agree or not, still am transfixed, educated, interested and challenged in audio ways which is what I love... It all goes to the absolute enjoyment of listening / hearing, curiosity, investigating, experimenting with all things audio, which is why I simply love the ML Club so much...
Well, thanks again Ben and thanks for reading my audiophile rantings...
And it is really wonderful to have you here.