Ahhh Tubes and a bigger room...
twich54 said:
Robin, whats the flexible thing going out the window behind you sofa ??
You said you tubes, I agree!!!! any new updates ? Bigger room yet ??
Thank you for asking... Yeah, that's my long term plan, to add tubes to the path i. e., a tubed source - SACD player like the 'Shanling T200 and a tubed preamp like Jeff's, CJ tubed preamp. In addition, I wanted to perchase a pair of Summits, as new Front speakers, moving my Ascent i's to the surround position...

I want a new Anthem D1 (D2/D4/D5 whatever it will be called, when I able to purchase) processor. I also dream of having two systems in one; a two channel musical system, as well as an awesome HT system.
But Unfortunately, my current financial prospects look dim, as I am going to be putting my two sons through college, starting in June 2006. Unless I am sucessful in promoting to a higher paying position. I will have to dream, dream, dream, all I got to do is dream, dream, dream...
The flexible tubing, behind the sofa is warm air venting tube to the outside, for my in-room air-conditioner unit.
As far as a bigger HT room. I will be moving to the state of Washington in about five or six years, to our second home. In that retirement home, I will then have the down stairs day light rambler, 'Great Room', for my HT. The dementions are 20'x28'x10... Then, I'll be able to spread out into that space properly...