Well-known member
10 gauge is a good first set. Nothing more fancy than Blue Jeans might make a difference. A good amp that can handle the wide variation of impedence is essential.
Thanks RICH for the perfect segue to my response.
Years back Sprite made the lemon-lime on the can bigger. NO CHANGE TO THE FORMULA. 100s wrote and called to complain. "My Sprite is too lemony", "why did you change the formula of my Sprite", I have been drinking Sprite for 20 years, How come you changed it".
Not long after Sprite shrunk the lemon-lime symbol back to as it was and all was well again in the kingdom of Sprite drinkers.
Note: - I am in no way saying that there are, or there are not differences between cables, a/c cords, etc.
Craig Street (record producer, Norah Jones, Gypsy Kings, et al) once spoke about how we can hear (for example) from 20 to 20K and then spoke about how we also take in vibrations through our skin, chest cavity etc. Possibly as high as 40K I think he said. If this is true then I feel it adds a new dimension to the discussion of what and what does not actually make an audible difference and or a difference to our listening experience.
Having said that, I feel we must also realize that very few of us really understand how our brains work, especially when we are totally unaware that our brain is ever constantly processing information, like the processing that it is going on now as you read this sentence. If only the size of the lemon-lime logo on the Sprite can can influence ones taste experience (without any prompting or suggestion that maybe the Sprite is now gonna have a lemon lime bite to it) then it is clear that what we see and hear about a given product can (I did not say does I said can) indeed have an effect on what we actually hear.
I suppose my point is, if one is going to spend hard earned money on any "fringe" audio product be sure it really is making a difference.
Prof Stanley Lipschitz has written many articles on the correct ways to judge and compare audio devices and why doing so is necessary. It is from those articles it is clear the we can be (I am not saying we always are 100% I said we can be) influenced by things we see and read about a product to the point where our brain can influence our judgment on what we really are hearing or not hearing.
I am adding the following for the simple reason that on other audio sites where I used to add my two cents worth many would simply start making jokes about Prof Lipshitz's name or jokes about "he sound like a poindexter science teacher I had in high school", without knowing who he is, or looking him up.
Professor Lipshitz's research interests are multidisciplinary, drawing on areas of applied mathematics, physics, and electrical and mechanical engineering. They include the mathematical theory of dithered quantizers, noise shapers, and sigma-delta modulators, and the physical acoustics of nonlinear sound radiation and active noise control problems. Professor Lipshitz has consulted and collaborated extensively on dithered quantizers and noise shapers for the digital audio and music industries with companies such as Philips Classics, Decca Records, Deutsche Grammophon, CBS, Sonic Solutions, Meridian Audio, and Weiss Engineering. These techniques are now standard practice in digital audio mastering and signal processing. He is a past President of the AES.
The following is a 2 minute interview with him about co axial drivers. I always love listening to people like Stanley because he is not selling anything, and in my mind he knows exactly what he is talking about.
I am a new member, I am not a scientist I am an electrician and I do not claim to be the supreme being and know anymore than anyone else does. I simply seek out information when I want to learn about something and like to pass it on to see how others feel.
And what better a forum to do so than here on the site that Tom has set up for us. Where all of us have deluded ourselves into thinking that panels sound truer to the actual performance than standard tweeter midrange woofer cabinet speakers do. (I am kidding of course).
thanks for reading
. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Years back Sprite made the lemon-lime on the can bigger. NO CHANGE TO THE FORMULA. 100s wrote and called to complain. "My Sprite is too lemony", "why did you change the formula of my Sprite", I have been drinking Sprite for 20 years, How come you changed it".
Not long after Sprite shrunk the lemon-lime symbol back to as it was and all was well again in the kingdom of Sprite drinkers.
I am not sure that just because something can not be found on the net the term BS is called for
Either way, even if you ignore the Sprite reference I feel my point of view is valid and still holds water.
2 - I had the privilege of attending a few his seminars as well as a few his audio demonstrations many many years ago. I saw first hand the device he was using for ABX switching and it was far from a $20. device. If memory serves me, and it has failed me before, the one I saw him use (by comparison) made the QSC ABX Comparator look like a basic phone jack.