Jim, sorry we couldn't hook up today, but the family beconed. It's funny you mentioned the Joseph Audio room. I was really jazzed to hear the new Pulsar's, but when I was in the room they were having server problems and all I could do was take pictures of them along with the Ayre electronics. How did they sound to you? Another room I need to try to get back to tomorrow.
I was blown away! They pack quit the punch in a small package, very impressed.
I think my biggest let down was the the over all music played. 99% of it sucked IMO, and I cant be that alone on this. I mean I get that the old guard who has helped this industry flourish in decades past may have largely preferred classical/orchestral/chamber music, but I was so sick of the reoccurring music theme in every room that I could have puked by the end....and if I hear another over produced female vocal with piano or acoustic guitar backing her, well I guess I know I am at another audio show full of clueless industry people who are out of touch with the audience that is now 30 somethings with a good job and money to spend. I mean seriously there are thousands of different types of music, why play the same **** as everyone else there? Why not appeal to the new audience who is now looking toward highend audio? For this all the exhibitors get a fail, broaden your horizens and maybe the consumer will follow....but I digress.
I did get the opportunity to listen to the YG's and Wilsons with some of that new-fangled wacky rock-n-roll and it was wonderful.
The Odessey room had Tool playing in the dark and I wet myself a little. I was very impressed with the sound they made at a budget affordable to the common joe too.
I did think the Burmester looked beautiful but sounded like crap. My system sounds better than their offerings IMO....and I dont buy the room excuse when so many can make it work like Sanders did for example. For that much money they should use some R&D and figure it out, I was extremely disappointed.
The Focal's had a very nice warm sound with mid-range punch that sat me in my seat. I very much enjoyed their sound.
I sat through the Nordost demonstration in their room and felt that they did themselves wrong in the process. The difference was almost nill, and they went from a 2k power cable to a 20k which was explained to us to be more drastic than a 2k upgrade from the factory one. I walked out of that room and heard a group of guys saying what I was thinking, none of us will be buy any of those EVER.
OK, this post has become a run-on ramble so I will stop now.