Well-known member
Thanks Justin. Figured as I was taking notes anyway I may as well do it dynamically. For all I know we may be the first site on the net to be posting the show, more or less in real time. Wish I could post the pictures right away too, but I'm technically challenged that way. Hope it's not too disconcerting waiting for the photos...
Actually the photos are pretty good and were worth the small wait.
Didn't I slag off Avalons at the HK show a while back? Seem to remember getting some retribution for saying so. Must admit I haven't got that much experience with them. And besides, I'm not always right. Who is in this subjective game?
Didn't realise the Ongaku was the UK Audio Note version, as I commented before the picture arrived. Now it's not a real Kondo Ongaku - just an amplifier that goes by the same name which is hard to "respect". Looks to have cheap Chinese 211s in it in a $200K system. Classic!
Sounds like you're having a great time, Tim. Enjoy.