Some of those in the Tea Party, were elected into office by their constituents, to reduce spending and to not cave on raising taxes.
Any citizen who is opposed to raising taxes, especially in light of the wild-eyed, drunken sailor like spending by George and the Republicans from 2000 -- 2008 is completely irresponsible. BTW, being re-elected to a House seat is not much of an accomplishment, since nearly all of them achieve this "distinction." Much more of an achievement for a President to be re-elected. So, any notion that this "was a status-quo election" is simply more nonsense from Rush and Karl and Sean and Fox "News."
Don't you think there are a few democrats, from highly liberal districts, that will never sign a bill offering any meaningful spending cuts?
NO! Where on earth did you get such a crazy notion?
You earlier mentioned the president having a mandate. But a mandate to do what? He ran his campaign saying we need a 'balanced approach'.
He ran his campaign most notably on re-balancing the tax burden and making the playing field a bit more level. The Bush / Republican tax cuts (which caused the national debt to skyrocket) were a windfall for the top two percent of extremely wealthy citizens. And blatantly unfair to everyone else. That President Obama was re-elected by a far greater margin than Bush -- when Bush stated he had "earned political capital" and was going to spend it -- means that President Obama (using logic here, not meaning to confuse) has a far greater "mandate" than Bush ever had. Geeze, Bush squeaks by, is barely elected (2004) and somehow has a mandate. Obama crushes Romney, and yet the Republicans act as if the election never even happened. They are, by and large, a most shameful bunch.
But what he is currently offering to the republicans, to avoid the fiscal cliff, is an increase in taxes of $1.6 trillion. Which is more than what you get by merely raising the tax rate on the 'rich' to pre-Bush levels. On top of that, he wants the power to raise the debt limit all by his lonesome. What does he offer as a 'balance' to these demands? A small spending cut which is less than another stimulus package that he also wants.
See above. Please note, as several notable Republicans have stated, "Elections have Consequences." Last time when President Obama naively sought to negotiate in good faith, the Tea Party idiots wouldn't budge an inch. To them, there was not to be any negotiation whatsoever. They refused to negotiate in good faith. They acted in a completely irresponsible manner. They were Tea Party folks first and foremost, NOT willing to act in a manner that was best for their Country. It's like, to them, it's "I pledge allegiance to the Tea Party and Grover Norquist, and to hell with everybody else."
Regarding the debt limit, this was a routine matter supported by both parties on numerous occasions. Until, of course, Obama was elected President. Then this routine event suddenly became a Big Deal. Really? The National Debt, which was exacerbated as a direct result of actions taken by G. Bush and the Republicans, was now an "O'mgosh, the sky is falling" event. Remember "Chicken Little"? Same thing. Irresponsible Republicans running around saying "
the sky is falling" seeking to score cheap political points. Oh, the Hypocrisy!
I just wish these folks would grow up and realize they are supposed to be acting in the bet interests of their Country. What a bunch of disgusting hypocrites!