By the democrats? Where do you get that from? Clinton won with only 43% of the vote, compared to Obama getting 51% of the vote this time around. States that were normally solid red turned blue. Not because democrats were out voting in large numbers, but because republicans either didn't show up, or voted for Ross Perot, who stole 19% of the vote, probably mostly from republicans. Bush got a lowly 37%. I don't think you can blame that on democrats.
So you think a couple making $250k a year, year after year, doesn't have retirement in the bag? You think that isn't wealthy, even though it is in the top three percent of wage earners in this country? And lets not forget that this is the bottom cutoff. It is $250k a year and UP. Tell me, if $250k a year in income isn't rich, then what is? Do you have to make $1 million a year to be considered rich? Do you think families making tens of millions in income a year, like the Romney's, ought to be giving more than 14% back to their country?
I'm in. I'm one of the ones who will be paying more. And you know what? I don't mind! I don't consider it "neighborly." I consider it patriotic. It amazes me how republicans talk so much about patriotism, until it comes down to giving back to support the country they pretend to care so much about. Ask not what your government can do for you; ask what you can do for your government. Well, you can start by paying to support the infrastructure that makes this country so great. And if the government can use some of that money to help the less fortunate among us, then the country will be even greater for the investment. There are a lot of kids out there who could do great things for this country, if they could just get the government subsidized loans and pell grants to be able to afford an education. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Many of them would be happy just to have a plate of food at the dinner table.
Its the precedent that is set that I don't like Rich... Today, anyone 250K on up...tomorrow - we need to spend more... so lets tax more.... who do we tax? Maybe we should base it on who will get us elected??? What a premise....
I don't consider it patriotic... In fact our founding fathers would have revolted because of it. I find it 'for lack of a better idea -- how are we going to get the money so we can spend'? -- oh, lets increase taxes instead of working within a budget. I also don't believe that increasing taxes on certain individuals is fair... I was always taught to treat people like I would like to be treated.... This isn't it.
And - I always deal in real money -- not percentages.... Last year, I paid enough to the government to support a small family... Now, maybe you don't like my percentage - but guess what? I'm paying way more than someone making 50K. In fact- I pay 50% of their earnings in taxes.... All for the same benefits that our government gives us all... Based on your stats: Romney paid 14% and makes 10s of millions... So, lets say he makes 20 million.... 2.8 million in taxes for one individual - I guess isn't enough? Lets raise the taxes on dividends and interest income on those rich bastages...Oh, don't trip over all of your elderly living off of it as well... Just another line in the all ready fat tax code right?
There will always be rich... there will always be poor... That is the way of the world and the way it has been for thousands of years... Let the government spend appropriately...Let them be smart with the money.... Don't give them a blank check....
Perot won that election for Clinton... no doubt... This isn't a knock against Clinton - just that Perot was a businessman... a person that identified with business...and is closer to republican than Democrat .. in my humble opinion so he took a lot of votes from Reps in that election - no doubt. My point was the Democrats used it against the Republicans in that election...Pointed the finger across the way and said 'they raised taxes .... broke promises'... that is what I find ironic....
The problem with it is that those 'folks' making 250k (they can be called folks right?) are anywhere from 2 software engineers working in California.... to mid to upper managers in large small business owners....salespeople... Or...of course a single attorney that takes 97% of a class action ... hahaha...sorry.... The attorneys can DEFINITELY afford it!! I say we tax them more... of course... that will be passed on to the customer (i.e. middle class)... because that is the way it is in business!!
On another note --I'm just interested to see what happens to our largest employer - the health care industry - when they become less profitable.... Less profit = less jobs for your largest industry employer and in a country all ready with high unemployment all ready... I'm interested to see what happens to prices on certain goods (example: a meal out) - and the tab comes back higher because the owner is passing the cost down to the customer (the middle class by the way....).... It has always worked that way... and always will...