Money is tight and you're buying a new Ferrari, and you're trying to keep the 430 along with the new one. Yeah, I'm buying that!
I don't really care for multichannel for a number of reasons, but again that doesn't mean it's bad. There are plenty of other magazines with excellent multichannel coverage.
Our job is to review new products. That doesn't mean you have to buy them all...
If you have a system you are happy with, enjoy it. The new Sim piece is on the way and considering what I've heard from them in the past, I'm very anxious to hear it.
Money's tight. I'm still laughing my butt off over that one....
Oh yeah, have you seen the new MSRP on the 458? Money has never been tighter and just like the CLX I have to get in the garage without my wife noticing, she still hasn't noticed the CLXs.
I am going to be scraping for next 12 or maybe 24 months, it is a sad state of affairs.
And as far as the OPPO goes, I am afraid if I sneak one more OPPO in the door, I will get busted and then sneaking the 458 in will become impossible.
Stakes are high, morals are low, how are you going to help the cause today. Actually, I like Dr. Js approach, ask for money.