OK! Esoteric K1 is the winner. ==• now we need to move to the speaker!!!!!}{[]>

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It's the suspense, people are keen to see what Joey buys in the end. Don't reveal the ending if you know it

Spoiler Alert: Joey surprises everyone by purchasing a pair of Avant Garde Trios with Basshorns in the end.
That's a lot of pressure.

Joeys wife: 'hon, I don't know. Maybe we need to re-think this'
Joey: 'but dear....what about bonzo, timm, user21, twitch, Bernard.....what will the guys say???'
Spoiler Alert: Joey surprises everyone by purchasing a pair of Avant Garde Trios with Basshorns in the end.

Hahaha... wouldnt that be something.

That's a lot of pressure.

Joeys wife: 'hon, I don't know. Maybe we need to re-think this'
Joey: 'but dear....what about bonzo, timm, user21, twitch, Bernard.....what will the guys say???'

LOL.... yeah... she has told me that I am not a music producer several times now and reminds me that this system is excess.

I can't believe this thread has been viewed 5,236 times.

Me neither... but it's like a bar, people just come in and out, chat for a bit and hang out.

Joey, the Verity flagship valued at $500k will be at CES. http://www.verityaudio.com/monsalvat/en

They have high WAF too. You can try the ones in your budget range, they are superb. Logan like midrange on box

500K... not sure what that's going to do to the wife. Perhaps I'll get kicked out to the curb. I did click on the link though... :rocker:

Yes but then two years later he would want a system that kills his current system. Hifi is like dating in the teens. Once you get it, you lose interest.

That's why I audition so much, quenches the thirst of buying, and then you can buy a normal one happy with the compromises you have made. Because you already kind of know what you would have got to with your next upgrade, which, really, might not be much unless you change your game

I've been able to actually quit audio cold turkey and I was quite happy without it. I can see how I can get pretty neurotic with this stuff real quick... but that's why I'm going to want to curtail my expectations and make sure I don't make bad moves along the way in case something changes. Used instead of new, go with proven stuff, trust my gut instead of the press.. etc, etc...

Also, I figured, if I can have a 2nd system like an ML Summits (like my old ones back from Tom), then I can really have the best of both worlds and less likely will I feel like I'm missing something by going dynamic vs stats.

Glad I'm off that merry-go-round. I haven't bought anything serious since my ARC monoblocks in 2004. I'm just enjoying the music.

Seriously? You think you might find your cure to Joeyitis? Let us know when you do. :)

Yep, hoping I don't go on the merry go round... I remember that in 2008, and while it was fun, it was also very time consuming and it seems like time is something I'm missing these days.
Well I think you are doing the right thing Joey.

I guess I am sorted now I can't see myself changing speakers/amps/DAC for years. I have heard the world's best many times, and I know what I have I like a lot.

I know of a music producer over here whose path ended in Trios, funnily enough (via an Apogee or two, LOL):)
For you to tell me that means a lot. Thanks Justin

Well I think you are doing the right thing Joey.

I guess I am sorted now I can't see myself changing speakers/amps/DAC for years. I have heard the world's best many times, and I know what I have I like a lot.

I know of a music producer over here whose path ended in Trios, funnily enough (via an Apogee or two, LOL):)
For you to tell me that means a lot. Thanks Justin

Well I think you are doing the right thing Joey.

I guess I am sorted now I can't see myself changing speakers/amps/DAC for years. I have heard the world's best many times, and I know what I have I like a lot.

I know of a music producer over here whose path ended in Trios, funnily enough (via an Apogee or two, LOL):)
How is it possible that there are still no Strads for sale?? When I was researching in the last, I saw one a month and sometimes 2 would pop up at once. This is an exercise in patience.

Is this for real? You're pulling my leg arent you? I guess a cover would be nice to protect tubes from dust. Would also sort of prevent the baby from poking the tubes.. but then she'll just yank out the cover and destroy the system that way. LOL...
No, I was thinking for the baby...since you will probably never listen you might want to keep the dust off. LOLOL ;-)

Hope you're wrong buddy

Listen WITH baby. Lower volumes of course. Classical to improve intelligence. Haha. The birth of an audiophile No reason to not pass this sickness on is there?

Btw - listened to 20.7 in Evanston they were stunning. Better bass than the 20.1 w more coherence is my humble opinion. Ill say more later. But if you are in the area for the holiday.
Listen WITH baby. Lower volumes of course. Classical to improve intelligence. Haha. The birth of an audiophile No reason to not pass this sickness on is there?

Btw - listened to 20.7 in Evanston they were stunning. Better bass than the 20.1 w more coherence is my humble opinion. Ill say more later. But if you are in the area for the holiday.


Tell me more... what else did you listen to and how was it?

There's a Maxx 3 on audiogon for 27K so within striking range price wise.... but I've never heard and no one near me has one.... it has the older tweeter and I'm sure they're developing a Maxx 5 (they skip the #4 because of some reason).

I am still really looking for the Strads, I check online everyday but I got nothing so far.

The TAD Ref1 10 miles from me has been price dropped to $29 (from 36)... but I'm just not sure if it'll fit in my smallish room like the Strads will.

Plus, Tom is selling my former Summits so now I have too many choices.

The BW800 Diamond is nice, but I think Strads beat them.

My dream?

1. Strads for media room/stereo room - dedicated ultimate system for me
2. Summits for Family room - great overall sound (preferably Tom's aka my old ones)
3. BW 800 Diamonds for Game room - change of pace from the Strads.

Other speakers that would be great in my home...

Magico Mini 2 for the Family Room... saw one on 'gon minty for 10.

TAD Ref 1, but no where to put it.

Tannoy Royal Kingdoms - fantastic per the reviews, can't find one to audition but I can't see how this is a bad speaker. Again, would have to displace the Strads.

I think my mind travels ways too much. Either way... my target are the Strads without a shadow of a doubt. Second are my old Summits with Tom.
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Joey, they skipped #4 for the same reason that ARC skipped it in their Reference series: in China the number is associated with death (pronounced the same).
Hey Joey. This is what I put on audioaficianado. I loved the 20.7. Listened for 3 hrs.

ok.. here is probably my very long winded opinion/'review' of the 20.7.... here is a synopsis....

Over the past several months I have listened to some top notch stuff including the Sonus Faber Stradivari, B&W 802 diamonds, Wilson Alexandria XLFs, Macintosh line arrays (Huge...7-8 ft tall??) .. all on killer front ends... and I decided I needed to listen to the 20.7. Since I have the holiday off - I decided to head to Evanston to have a listen @ audio consultants... about a 4.5 hr drive from ann arbor michigan.

All Boulder front end. Their 'low level' monoblocks (850s I believe) - which produce 200/ch in both 8 & 4 ohm.

Room: about 16 X 22.... well treated with diffursors behind .. and absorption on the ceiling / side walls etc... Ceiling was about 10'.

Speakers: 20.7 w 1 ohm resistor in place for the tweeter ... positioning - tweeter on the outsides .. approx 6' between inside/inside of speakers... about 2.5 ft from side walls ... with absorption at first reflection points ... and about 4' from from front wall... Transparent cables being used.

Music played over 3 hrs: Jazz / large orchestral / string quartet / rock / acoustic rock

So, if you want to stop reading now... the 20.7 was stunning in every way in my opinon....

We started out by putting on some jazz - monty alexander, ray brown, russel malone.... Piano was solid/real ... the stand up bass was amazing - real.... and the sustain on the notes of the bass and the piano - wow.... The detail was all there - which I expected... What I didn't expect - and what I tried to find fault in for every recording was dynamics and bass.

Let me tell you, there is a realness to the bass that is un-canny.... and bass slam? - I would say an unequivacal 'Yes!'.... I like bass... and the bass on these maggies - is as real as it gets... Upright bass for jazz trio - check (the above trio / plus Miles Davis cd) .. What about tympani in large orchestral - check (make that a big check - Swan Lake exploded).... Rock synth - (again - beautifully played - Beatles example: Mean Mr Mustard...McCartney's bass lines throughout side 2 of Abby Road.. & Pink Floyd Dark side of the moon - there is this part where they are panning back and forth with what appears to be an airplane sound - well at the end of it... it just goes low..low...low.... and the 20.7 followed it there )... As many of you know - the intricacy and speed that the 20.7 does bass is remarkable... I wasn't prepared for the slam quite honestly... (is it wilson xlf slam? - of course not - but, quite frankly - I like it better)... Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - live at luther college....a very closely mic'd live recording gave you every thump on the guitar body and the pluckiness of every string.....

Vocals: The Maggies as a whole do this very well... The 20.7 had a very holographic vocal whcih seemed as if there were layers upon layers. Harmonies just added to the magic as each vocalist could be independently heard (think 'Because' on abby road - if you guys know the tune... ) ...And the depth the vocals gave was just tremendous... The first time I heard the 20.1 - I had to walk between the speakers and behind them as I couldn't believe the window they created - I just had to walk thru it.... When a solid up-front vocal is recorded - it is presented that way - such as Norah Jones on her first album... or Dave Matthews on Live at Luther college.... My son put on multiple classical recordings - one of which had an operatic male vocal - again - placed just right into the space of the orchestra - and powerful on Pulcinella -Stravinsky

Piano: of course - incredible... Listened to the Goldberg Variations -Bach .. Glen Gould ... You may know - he hums along when he plays... very distinctive here... but his playing is very percussive in nature as he really attacks the keys.... this percussiveness showed in spades ... Norah Jones / Monty Alexander ... all had wonderful tone and texture

Woodwinds: again - another strong suit on the 20.7.. the midrange seems to really love that 'woodiness'.... there is a touch of mid warmth there that really brings it home....

Strings: The strings had a very realness to them ... you could hear the edges... nothing was glazed over.... (I will say though - the Sonus Faber Strads were probably the best string quartet I have ever heard - almost as if they were made for string quartet)... My string quartet recording that I brought along - unfortunately was not a top rate recording (Shostakovich Str Qt 8)

Percussion: Wood block, cymbals, snare, bass drum.... all had great attack and sustain as you could hear the trailing notes... These had a tendency to come out at you - and grab you... which I liked....a lot!!

Miles trumpet was sublime. As Coltrane sat on the right side of the room playing 'bye bye blackbird'. Perfect size , timbre and attack. Sanborn on the album 'inside' - again very sweet sounding - you can hear the air in the sax. Tuba in swan lake was just so right. I noted a lot of brass in Abby road as well. I knew it was there before but REALLY knew it was there on the 20.7. Again probably from the lack of congestion in the presentation.

20.1 to 20.7 compare -- It has been awhile since I heard the 20.1 - but I will say my impression was - the 20.7 had way better bass... and also was more coherent. Image size (to me) on the 20.1 was sometimes exaggerated ... too big.... Not once, did I think that on the 20.7 ... Image size was just perfect... on everything....

Notes: during Swan Lake crescendo .. we shut down one of the monoblocks.... protection circuit went on apparently... turned it down - and it popped back on .... We only ran into this on large orchestral - as you know the dynamics on these recordings is huge.... We had it loud.. but not unbearingly loud??? i.e. - I could see myself going there on 'one of those nights'.....

This is what this speaker does in spades again.... Sounding effortless... somehow getting out of the way of the music and quasi disappearing - although they are just absolutely huge.... (you don't understand 6'7" until you stand next to it and look up - a plus in my book!! - let the other guys worry about WAF!!!) haha.... The depth of the soundstage is just to die for - I love that.... Its like the speakers give a laid back presentation - but then attack on command depending on the music crescendos!!

Synopsis: With all the gear I have heard - this is the speaker I would choose regardless of price.... I have the room and a powerful amp...so no worries there... Somebody could say - these are 50K - and I would not be at all surprised (I couldn't pay 50K ) . I thought the build quality and solidness of the cherry frame was top notch.
My brother said: 'you can buy these without hearing them'.... he was right.

A speaker I could live with for the rest of my life.... Thanks to the shop for giving us the listen... truly professional and nice guys.... Hope this wasn't too long and a waste of your time... I just was so impressed - words are difficult to come by...... Thanks Tim...
Sounds like your preference goes:

1. 20.7
2. Mac
3. Strads

20.7 sounds like a contender...