I have had speaker upgraditis for about a year. I have had PSB Image 5T's for years. I had been perusing the AV boards for about a year. First heard the Martin Logan's at Magnolia and they were by far the best speakers in the store to my ears. I listen to an eclectic range of music including a lot of vocals and jazz. The soundstage is so expansive and I love the accuracy. I was considering some Internet only speakers specifically the Philharmonics or Salk speakers. It's always hard to buy something you can't audition. A pair of Theos showed up on Craigslist for $2300. They are less than a month old. I could not pass up the deal.
This is the resumption of an expensive hobby. I have an unbalanced front stage with the old PSB 9C as center. I still have PSB S50 as the surrounds and an old Def Tech Powerfield 15 sub. I only have only a Denon AVR 3312CI to drive these monsters. I will need a dedicated amp. The priority will be to find a Stage Center to get the fronts matching.
I am rediscovering the simple joys of 2 channel sound again. Played some reference FLAC files today. Oh my god! It sent a tingle down this 50 year old spine. I am surprised that even Internet radio sounds more than acceptable. I don't miss the the center channel given the soundstage of the ML's. I have to work on placement with the usual room restrictions. Eventually will need some absorption panels behind them.
I am now a Martin Logan advocate. I feel well on my way to musical Nirvana.
This is the resumption of an expensive hobby. I have an unbalanced front stage with the old PSB 9C as center. I still have PSB S50 as the surrounds and an old Def Tech Powerfield 15 sub. I only have only a Denon AVR 3312CI to drive these monsters. I will need a dedicated amp. The priority will be to find a Stage Center to get the fronts matching.
I am rediscovering the simple joys of 2 channel sound again. Played some reference FLAC files today. Oh my god! It sent a tingle down this 50 year old spine. I am surprised that even Internet radio sounds more than acceptable. I don't miss the the center channel given the soundstage of the ML's. I have to work on placement with the usual room restrictions. Eventually will need some absorption panels behind them.
I am now a Martin Logan advocate. I feel well on my way to musical Nirvana.
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